i dont see five guys hanging around the perm. thats why i picked duncan. he will hit a few 3balls but i dont see him hitting more than the occasional "come out and play me....in your eye"
sloughing off think basic shell defense and the backside/weakside/whereever help coming over because of a lack of a guy to hold his man. this is why i mentioned the conley and why he never got 'blacked' i guess i have to explain 'blacked' first. essentially its a scheme to double the ball and force towards the wing/corner. its highly complex and probably with 10 guys and a blackboard 3 of you would know what i was talking about after 10 minutes. but simple as that explanation is it gets the point across. the reason we saw conley played straight up all year had directly to do with oden via at least two people i know. conleys production spiked once oden became a threat. teams decided not to allow oden to beat them at all costs. forcing conleys man to maintain ball pressure (come over the screen, or fight under it but pressure) handle the player one on one and not allow space/time for conley to get a pass into the post while maintaining positioning to double oden. thus, giving conley a free run if he beats his man and having help come from gods country vs the nearest man (odens man or the doubling man). so in simplistic terms kof beats his man in b10 ball someone is coming over to try and eat his lunch... granted kof is a nice passer so this could make someone (likely the 4) a ton of easy baskets, or pass to the perm for the 3ball...splash.
sloughing off think basic shell defense and the backside/weakside/whereever help coming over because of a lack of a guy to hold his man. this is why i mentioned the conley and why he never got 'blacked' i guess i have to explain 'blacked' first. essentially its a scheme to double the ball and force towards the wing/corner. its highly complex and probably with 10 guys and a blackboard 3 of you would know what i was talking about after 10 minutes. but simple as that explanation is it gets the point across. the reason we saw conley played straight up all year had directly to do with oden via at least two people i know. conleys production spiked once oden became a threat. teams decided not to allow oden to beat them at all costs. forcing conleys man to maintain ball pressure (come over the screen, or fight under it but pressure) handle the player one on one and not allow space/time for conley to get a pass into the post while maintaining positioning to double oden. thus, giving conley a free run if he beats his man and having help come from gods country vs the nearest man (odens man or the doubling man). so in simplistic terms kof beats his man in b10 ball someone is coming over to try and eat his lunch... granted kof is a nice passer so this could make someone (likely the 4) a ton of easy baskets, or pass to the perm for the 3ball...splash.