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Oregon football 2025 recruiting surge garners reaction from industry experts

Dan Lanning and the Ducks are red-hot on the recruiting trail.​

There is not a college football team in the country with more momentum in recruiting than Oregon. A red-hot stretch has the Ducks soaring into the top five of the national team recruiting rankings for the 2025 class — and it appears Dan Lanning and Co. are just getting started. There is plenty of buzz in Eugene after Oregon added five new pledges just this past week.

The Ducks began the week just inside the top 30 nationally and in the middle of a crowded Big Ten race. But, the recent wave of new commitments, which includes four Top247 recruits, has Oregon establishing itself as a force in the expanded conference.

Oregon is now up to 14 total commitments in the 2025 class with all but two of those being Top247 recruits. That will provide a massive boost to the Ducks' blue-chip rat

Below is some of the social media reaction to the recent Oregon recruiting surge:

It was simply a matter of time before Oregon heated up on the recruiting trail. Although the Ducks were not high on the list of the national team rankings at the start of the week, their haul of pledges was still among the best in the country when comparing the average industry-generated 247Sports Composite rating per commit. Now, Oregon ranks third nationally — behind only LSU and Ohio State — in that category with its 14 commitments holding an average rating of 93.69.

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Oregon has always (?) been a powerhouse recruiting team, what with the Bank of Nike, all 37 gagillion uniform combinations, great weather, pretty cheerleaders, and the USC killing club in the corner. Mayhaps the new B10 stage has further awakened the sleeping giant. Gives the team a more noticeable presence, and a bunch of good recruiters espousing those things in nationwide recruits' ears. Gotta admit it's a successful schtick. Their QB is a noted veteran, and is attracting some decent players, so we'll see how well they stand up over a B10 season. The fall game against the Buckeyes will be a litmus test, and see more than a few folk are predicting a W. It will give the Buckeyes another team to prepare for, which ultimately cannot be a bad thing. Both teams will have several games to get things down, and shapes up to be a barn burner. Go Bucks!
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Oregon has always (?) been a powerhouse recruiting team, what with the Bank of Nike, all 37 gagillion uniform combinations, great weather, pretty cheerleaders, and the USC killing club in the corner. Mayhaps the new B10 stage has further awakened the sleeping giant. Gives the team a more noticeable presence, and a bunch of good recruiters espousing those things in nationwide recruits' ears. Gotta admit it's a successful schtick. Their QB is a noted veteran, and is attracting some decent players, so we'll see how well they stand up over a B10 season. The fall game against the Buckeyes will be a litmus test, and see more than a few folk are predicting a W. It will give the Buckeyes another team to prepare for, which ultimately cannot be a bad thing. Both teams will have several games to get things down, and shapes up to be a barn burner. Go Bucks!

Just sayin': New combinations are still coming out.

Oregon football drops first peek at 'Fly Era' uniforms. See the Ducks' new look​


With fall camp and the 2024 college football season fast approaching, the Oregon Ducks on Wednesday unveiled their first set of their new "Generation O" uniforms.

The Ducks will debut in the Big Ten conference this upcoming season and dropped their "Fly Era" combination Wednesday on X. The set features mostly black and white with green trim.

The jersey is black, with green trim around white numbers and shoulders that feature black wings along the inside. A new Big Ten logo sits opposite the Nike swoosh on the front shoulders.

The Ducks will continue to unveil new uniform combinations before the 2024 season begins in the fall.

The pants are also black, as well as the helmet, which features white wings. The names on the back of the jerseys are green.
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