BUCKYLE;2162413; said:
Carr won a national title. He was 6-1 against tOSU. I love how when JT came in and ear-fucked him, it's now because Llllloyd was in decline.

He sure as fuck wasn't in decline in 2000. Hell, 2003 he was a pretty good coach as well. The fact that JT so thouroughly dominated him is what led TSUN to panic and change up pretty much everything they had been doing for A HUNDRED FUCKING YEARS. Rich Rodriguez in all his magnificent clusterfuckiness is a direct response to Tress making TSUN his bitch.
Edit: Tress did not "Get lucky", and the next person that claims as much should be fucking banned. It's disgraceful.
This. And for once I have to agree with the ban-able idea. The opinion that JT "Got lucky" or anything along those lines is so fucking ignorant it boggles the mind and constitutes trolling in my IMO.
xcrunner;2162473; said:
JT didn't benefit from the decline of Lloyd, he caused it. Lloyd was considered a great coach, and did well in the rivalry, until JT came along. TSUN declined while JT was coach all right, but JT brought about almost that entire decline. He beat the crap out of Lloyd, TSUN panicked and got Dickrod, he beat the crap out of Dickrod and then TSUN panicked and got Hoke. If Tressel had been coach last year, he would have beat the crap out of Hoke, too, and scummers probably would have started panicking again. It's not good for the stability of your program -- and therefore the success of your program -- when your archrival beats you no matter what you do.
This this and this.
Let's not forget where scUM was in 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 AND 2006. Had JT not come along and completely ruined LLLLLoyd's last few years, scUM was riding a wave.
2000: Orange Bowl win over Bama
2001: Citrus Bowl win over Auburn
2002: Citrus Bowl choke to Tennecheat
2003: Outback Bowl win over Florida
2004: Rose Bowl loss to a loaded USC team
2005: Rose Bowl loss to a loaded Texas team
dec 28 2005: Outback Bowl loss to Nebraska
2007: Another Rose Bowl loss to the last truly loaded USC team
2008: Citrus Bowl win over The Passion of the Tebow and Urban Meyer
And the ONE fucking year Ohio State lost to scUM under JT, Ohio State STILL went to the BCS. Remember while they went to 4 BCS bowls in that timeframe, Ohio State went every year but the 2004 bowl season. It's not like the decline started in 2002, because it clearly didn't. If anything, it started with the Chad Henne era, but at the time it clearly did not feel that way.
Again, as Kyle said, saying JT got lucky, gained some benefit from a non-existent decline in the early years of JT's reign or did NOT CAUSE the decline of LLLLLoyd is blatant idiocy and something I would consider outright trolling and forum disruption.