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One Big Ignorant Ball of Donny Fun "Donny Needs Attention"

iambrutus;654852; said:
oh peaches, everyone knows that you are a 45 year old balding white guy that likes to play dress up and that you aren't really a woman :biggrin: - i have the pictures
Damn... I've been discovered. You can tell FKA to stop staring at my chest now...

Now that JaxBuck, on the other hand, is quite the hottie...
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PrincessPeach;654859; said:
Damn... I've been discovered. You can tell FKA to stop staring at my chest now...

Now that JaxBuck, on the other hand, is quite the hottie...

oh yeah
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iambrutus;654858; said:
hold on, let me finish folding the laundry and sweeping the floor then i'll respond :!

don't forget to scrub the toilets too, please... Im just going to sit here and watch this bread rise....

Peach, you are smoking hot for a 45 yr old balding man....
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Taosman;654864; said:
Real men are not afraid to do dishes and laundry! :lift:

Real men do the dishes once... they break a few favorite pieces and are banned from doing the dishes every again... same thing with laundry, they turn one load all pink and VIOLA, instant laundry banning!
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BuckeyeRyn;654870; said:
Real men do the dishes once... they break a few favorite pieces and are banned from doing the dishes every again... same thing with laundry, they turn one load all pink and VIOLA, instant laundry banning!
This statement is evidence that you have never met my wife.

I'll do the laundry and dishes when something valuable is involved, thankyouverymuch! :biggrin:
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