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One Big Ignorant Ball of Donny Fun "Donny Needs Attention"

iambrutus;654846; said:
you stay out of this, this here is man's work, go bake something or clean something. :biggrin:
Um... excuse me...
I don't appreciate your attitude toward women here... and... um... I'm a moderator here, mister... so, um... wait... you are, too? well, then... never mind.

Now that you mention it, baking sounds pretty fun...
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but see, it's like this...

BKB is going to end up crying over this, his skin is so thin and all... then Im going to have to put him in therapy, costing us millions, depriving our children... after 10 years the therapy will not have worked, I will then have to put BKB on a constant suicide watch all because of DJ's harsh criticism... It's all just too much to handle....

and YES, smoking is allowed in the Monkey Bar.....
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PrincessPeach;654848; said:
Um... excuse me...
I don't appreciate your attitude toward women here... and... um... I'm a moderator here, mister... so, um... wait... you are, too? well, then... never mind.

Now that you mention it, baking sounds pretty fun...

oh peaches, everyone knows that you are a 45 year old balding white guy that likes to play dress up and that you aren't really a woman :biggrin: - i have the pictures
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