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One Big Ignorant Ball of Donny Fun "Donny Needs Attention"

PrincessPeach;654949; said:
Oh... you have those pictures?


Umm... can I nominate Saw to be a moderator...

I mean... umm...

I mean... I have no idea what you're talking about, Saw... those pictures have clearly been 'shopped...


Oh, I've 'shopped 'em alright...To every major news outlet (SnG News for one - still waiting for a response) willing to pony up some vCash. I'm sick an' tired of the elitists on this site. What about freedom of speech?
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wadc45;654973; said:
My promotion to senior mod involved a "sit down" with grad, where he granted me one wish since it was a young girl's wedding day somewhere in SC.

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BuckeyeRyn;654870; said:
Real men do the dishes once... they break a few favorite pieces and are banned from doing the dishes every again... same thing with laundry, they turn one load all pink and VIOLA, instant laundry banning!

It's funny 'cause it's true. The laundry trick worked for me. :p
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