blissfully stupid
there are two stances on how we as a species came to be. in this thread we assume we evolved from something else into what we are today. please redirect any god talk to the other thread.
basic premise of mine that may or may not be correct. we as a species, when lined up next to every other creature on this planet, flat out do not belong. we are not just unlike everything else on this planet. we are absolutely nothing like anything else on this planet. let me explain...
if you look at a zebra or a dolphin or a house fly. every single species on this planet is perfectly adapted and evolved for its role in its given ecosystem. they all have physical adaptations/evolutionary traits (depending on what term you want to use) that perfectly suit them for the role they play in the food chain.
we humans seem to have absolutely 0 physical adaptations to any ecosystem found on this planet. we don't have claws of any significant value or mighty fangs. we don't run particularly fast, we can climb... but not in any way resembling positively competitive when compared to what you find elsewhere in nature. worst still, i can't think of a single climate region a human being could be expected to survive in without any form of technology. without access to clothing or fire or any other type of technology, every climate zone on this planet would literally kill us simply from exposure.
so if you assume we evolved into what we are today from something else and that something else (whatever it was) somehow was more in tune with what we see in nature. why did it evolve into us in the first place? its not like we have any adaptations at all that somehow increase our ability to survive in any eco system found on this planet. in fact, if anything we have devolved from something more capable physically to something less capable. even with the idea that our evolution to "super intelligence" made us lazier and somehow less dependent on physical ability. why would we have devolved so quickly and in such radically silly ways?
further, why did that de-evolution cause pretty much all of mother nature to stop seeing us as prey? its not like we just disappeared while we were devolving from something all hairy and animal-ish then showed back up as fully formed humans as we are today.
then there are all these "left over" bits from our pre-evolutionary past. hair and reaction instincts and all these other evolutionary bits. can someone explain arm hair to me? how about the places we have a decent amount of hair? on top of our heads and other... "regions"... sure it helps keep us warm-ish and could be left over bits of fur from our previous state that we just held over. but why aren't we covered in it at birth like everything else on this planet? why does it take months, and in some cases years, to grow something to "protect us" from the elements? why would we not have these things from the get go? you know.... when we are at our absolute weakest?
further, we would have had to have had many of our "super intelligence" bits prior to evolving into us today. clothing and fire and hunting and at least limited domestication of animals as well as plant life would have had to have occurred prior to evolving into us today. otherwise... why would we have evolved in the first place?
am i alone in thinking there are serious plot holes in our current theories on human evolution or am i missing something?
basic premise of mine that may or may not be correct. we as a species, when lined up next to every other creature on this planet, flat out do not belong. we are not just unlike everything else on this planet. we are absolutely nothing like anything else on this planet. let me explain...
if you look at a zebra or a dolphin or a house fly. every single species on this planet is perfectly adapted and evolved for its role in its given ecosystem. they all have physical adaptations/evolutionary traits (depending on what term you want to use) that perfectly suit them for the role they play in the food chain.
we humans seem to have absolutely 0 physical adaptations to any ecosystem found on this planet. we don't have claws of any significant value or mighty fangs. we don't run particularly fast, we can climb... but not in any way resembling positively competitive when compared to what you find elsewhere in nature. worst still, i can't think of a single climate region a human being could be expected to survive in without any form of technology. without access to clothing or fire or any other type of technology, every climate zone on this planet would literally kill us simply from exposure.
so if you assume we evolved into what we are today from something else and that something else (whatever it was) somehow was more in tune with what we see in nature. why did it evolve into us in the first place? its not like we have any adaptations at all that somehow increase our ability to survive in any eco system found on this planet. in fact, if anything we have devolved from something more capable physically to something less capable. even with the idea that our evolution to "super intelligence" made us lazier and somehow less dependent on physical ability. why would we have devolved so quickly and in such radically silly ways?
further, why did that de-evolution cause pretty much all of mother nature to stop seeing us as prey? its not like we just disappeared while we were devolving from something all hairy and animal-ish then showed back up as fully formed humans as we are today.
then there are all these "left over" bits from our pre-evolutionary past. hair and reaction instincts and all these other evolutionary bits. can someone explain arm hair to me? how about the places we have a decent amount of hair? on top of our heads and other... "regions"... sure it helps keep us warm-ish and could be left over bits of fur from our previous state that we just held over. but why aren't we covered in it at birth like everything else on this planet? why does it take months, and in some cases years, to grow something to "protect us" from the elements? why would we not have these things from the get go? you know.... when we are at our absolute weakest?
further, we would have had to have had many of our "super intelligence" bits prior to evolving into us today. clothing and fire and hunting and at least limited domestication of animals as well as plant life would have had to have occurred prior to evolving into us today. otherwise... why would we have evolved in the first place?
am i alone in thinking there are serious plot holes in our current theories on human evolution or am i missing something?