iambrutus seems to forget that the 1996 team has as fair a claim to the national title that year as does Florida (both were one loss teams) Iambrutus seems to forget the 1995 that, while faltering at the end, was one of the most exciting teams to watch - at one point in the season OSU had 3 legit Heisman candidates (Hoying, Glenn and of course Eddie) Iambrutus seems to forget the great 1998 team. Should FSU played Tenn for the title? BCS said yes, but I think as good a case could have been made for OSU. I guess what I'm saying is, acknowledging that Coop never "got the job done" in the ultimate sense, he provided OSU fans some of the best teams to watch OSU has ever had. His run from 1993 through 1998 was impressive... if Shawn Springs didn't slip, he'd have a title. If OSU didn't lose a 24-7 lead over MSU, he'd have 2.
Coop may not have been a Buckeye when he got here, but he sure as hell is now.