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OL Connor Smith (official thread)



Hamilton at Colerain

WHEN/WHERE: 7:30 p.m. today at Colerain HS, 8801 Cheviot Road.
RECORDS: Hamilton 1-3 (0-1 GMC), Colerain 3-1 (1-0).

WHAT TO WATCH: Hamilton just took a 42-7 beating from Lakota West, not a good sign when the next opponent is Colerain. Hamilton was held to 44 total yards. Colerain comes off a 42-3 win over Lakota East, which was picked to finish No. 2 to Colerain in the GMC this year. Colerain QB Gary Pride (399 yards rushing this year) and RB Terrence Sherrer (340 yards rushing) are among Colerain's many offensive threats, with the defense led by LBs Tyler Moeller and Cobrani Mixon.

BOTTOM LINE: Colerain, No. 23 in the USA Today ratings, can pretty much name the score.
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I am proud to announce that the US Army was at Colerain tonight to formerly invite Connor Smith to participate in the Army All Star game.

Congrats, Connor!!! That is quite an honor for you, your family, your teammates, the Colerain community and for THE Ohio State Universtiy!

:oh: :io:
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I am proud to announce that the US Army was at Colerain tonight to formerly invite Connor Smith to participate in the Army All Star game.

Congrats, Connor!!! That is quite an honor for you, your family, your teammates, the Colerain community and for THE Ohio State Universtiy!

:oh: :io:
Congratulations to Connor - that is quite an honor - Q: what is the largest number of OSU recruits that ever took part in the Army All Star game?
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Colerain senior offensive lineman Connor Smith has been named a 2006 U.S. Army All-American and will join 77 other prep standouts at the U.S. Army All-American Bowl Jan. 7 at the Alamodome in San Antonio.

The East vs. West matchup will be televised live at 1 p.m. on NBC.

Smith, who has orally committed to Ohio State, was one of 400 players nominated nationally for the honor.
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<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">
Colerain quarterback Gary Pride ran 15 times for 176 yards and four touchdowns despite playing only the first half as the Cardinals defeated Hamilton 51-12 Friday night.

Pride, a junior, averaged 11.7 yards per carry.

Junior fullback Trammel Williams rushed 11 times for 61 yards and two touchdowns for Colerain, which had 370 yards on offense. Hamilton was held to 65 yards, including minus-3 rushing.

<TABLE class=enqtable cellPadding=0 border=0><TBODY><TR class=enqtdhead><TD align=left>Hamilton</TD><TD class=enqtd align=left>0</TD><TD class=enqtd align=left>0</TD><TD class=enqtd align=left>6</TD><TD class=enqtd align=left>6</TD><TD class=enqtd align=left>-12</TD></TR><TR><TD class=enqtd align=left>Colerain</TD><TD class=enqtd align=left>14</TD><TD class=enqtd align=left>30</TD><TD class=enqtd align=left>7</TD><TD class=enqtd align=left>0</TD><TD class=enqtd align=left>-51</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

C - Pride 52 run (Schulte kick)
C - Williams 13 run (Schulte kick)
C - Pride 27 run (Schulte kick)
C - Safety on blocked punt
C - Pride 1 run (Schulte kick)
C - Lumpkin 6 run (Schulte kick)
C - Pride 34 run (Schulte kick)
C - Williams 1 run (Schulte kick)
H - Hatcher 90 fumble recovery (kick fail)
H - Lay 32 pass from Phillips (run fail)

Records: H 1-4 (0-2), C 4-1 (2-0).
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Colerain at Princeton

WHEN/WHERE: 7:30 p.m. today at Princeton HS, 11080 Chester Road.
RECORDS: Colerain 4-1 (2-0 GMC), Princeton 1-4 (0-2).

WHAT TO WATCH: Colerain seems guaranteed to finish 9-1, with only one Enquirer Top 10 team (No. 10 Oak Hills) left on its schedule. Last week, Colerain led Hamilton 44-0 at halftime of a 51-12 win. Quarterback Gary Pride played only the first half and rushed for 176 yards with four TDs. Princeton has struggled (10 total points the past two games), and last week lost senior QB Darius Edwards to a broken foot. Sophomore B.J. Willis replaces Edwards.

BOTTOM LINE: Colerain should win big again.
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Colerain 57, Princeton 20

Colerain junior quarterback Gary Pride had 144 yards and one touchdown rushing and 50 yards and two touchdowns passing.

<TABLE class=enqtable cellPadding=0 border=0><TBODY><TR class=enqtdhead><TD align=left>Colerain</TD><TD class=enqtd align=left>14</TD><TD class=enqtd align=left>14</TD><TD class=enqtd align=left>15</TD><TD class=enqtd align=left>14</TD><TD class=enqtd align=left>-57</TD></TR><TR><TD class=enqtd align=left>Princeton</TD><TD class=enqtd align=left>0</TD><TD class=enqtd align=left>7</TD><TD class=enqtd align=left>0</TD><TD class=enqtd align=left>13</TD><TD class=enqtd align=left>-20</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

C -Lumpkin 34 pass from Pride (Schulte kick)
C -Pride 11 run (Schulte kick)
C -Scheidt recovered fumble in endzone (Schulte kick)
P -Matthews 10 pass from Dawes (Rudd kick)
C -Clifford 16 pass from Pride (Schulte kick)
C -Williams 58 run (Schulte kick)
C -Lumpkin 5 run (kick failed)
C -Lumpkin safety
C -Curry 30 run (Pasquale run)
P -Finnell 14 run (run failed)
C -Reynolds 44 run (kick failed)
P -Finnell 72 run (Rudd kick)
Records: P 1-5, C 5-1
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Does Conner have much experience in pass protection? It seems like Colerain never throws the ball.

no, he does not...but I can tell you that this question became annoying to Connor during his recruitment. His own words were 'Don't they have coaches in college who can teach me????'

Connor has the tools: Good feet, quickness, good hands and intelligence.

As I have been told, it is better for him to have no experience in pass protection and be taught the correct techniques then to have played with bad habits for three years in high school.
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