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OL Connor Smith (official thread)

Nothing has gone wrong with Connor Smith's recruitment. No coach at Colerain would "punish" a player for performing so well that they were able to attend their school of choice. The point reported was that there is pressure, even if subjective in the mind of a high school athlete, to select Michigan over OSU. Maybe a young athlete would be anxious about telling his pro-Michigan coach that is not the direction for him. Let's not make this more than it is.

JT has done his job.

Go Bucks!
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Rivals $


By Jeremy Crabtree...Conor says he will have his decision made by August 1st if not sooner. He is considering six schools...Ohio State, Michigan, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Florida and LSU. He has been most impressed with Coach Tressel and Coach Meyer.
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wadc45 said:
He is considering six schools...Ohio State, Michigan, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Florida and LSU. He has been most impressed with Coach Tressel and Coach Meyer.
Connor must enjoy getting text messages from the Sunshine State. :wink2:

edit - this comment was only a joke about Meyer's love of the test message. I wasn't trying to indicate anything about Connor's decision
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BuckeyeNation27 said:
That's apparently a hard concept to grasp 'round these parts.
Many have gravitated from BN, where it is almost encouraged for people to just get a gut feeling that something is going wrong... or assuming based on recruiting site articles that they grasp who is a priority for the coaching staff (which they usually do not).

It really doesn't make much sense that we're having to calm people down about Smith. This isn't Brown or Daniels... this is the kid that said he will kill Cobrani if he didn't come to OSU with him.

There is probably a remote chance Smith could go elsewhere, but its not gonna be UM.
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tsteele316 said:

Tell Smith to make sure he makes his decision before 5:00am on Monday morning. That's when I'm leaving for my honeymoon, and I don't want to wait a week to find out if he picked osu.

Here is what I know...more to the point, what I am actually allowed to post...

Connor's announcement could come at any moment....his choices are down to two schools....OSU and...well, I'm not allowed to tell you who the other one is...but I have a strong feeling that it's NOT tsun.

So...when I know who he picks, you guys will all know...and I should be able to fill you in before anybody else...PROVIDING AN ADMINISTRATOR SENDS ME A PM TO FIX MY PASSWORD/EMAIL PROBLEM TONIGHT.

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you know better than that. no matter how warranted or not, people are going to be biting their nails until they hear osu come from his mouth. the BN contingent is already starting with smith going to UF.
tsteele316.......your right, its impossible to calm the masses with the influence of stupidity overwhelming this thread.:roll2:
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