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Ohio State Wrestling (2015/2017/2018 B1G Champs, 2015 National Champs, 2019 National Runners-up)

SEC, SEC, SEC, oh wait......MPhillips posting quickly points out the obvious B10 dominance in wrestling. Wonder what Oklahoma is gonna do once it's berthed in the SEC? Will they wrestle 'unattached'? And B12 conference will always have Okie Light and Iowa Light as 1-2. Times are a changing.....Wish our Buckeye singlet guys the best of luck....
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B1G Pre Seeds are out. https://bigten.org/news/2024/3/4/big-ten-wrestling-pre-seeds-announced.aspx

Mendez with the 2. Woods at 3. Bouzakis with the 4 but Brands switched entrants and his guy automatically gets the last seed. That gives us Bouzakis/Teske first round. Not a great draw for either of them. Our draws are okay. Plus seeds can change albeit, not a lot.
Teske is a real tough draw out of the gate...but looking at 133, that is a weight Bouzakis could legitimately win it all. Not that it is remotely easy, but I see it as winnable, or at least a good shot to make finals. Really glad to see Wilcox is a go at 157 and Geog at 197, we are officially at full strength as much as we could be (with Paddy and Sasso obviously not coming back this year). Rogotzke snagged the #4 seed, pretty damn good spot for him.
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Is it top six or top eight in B10's to qualify for the Nationals? Not an affectionado (sp?) to know whether one seeding is better than the other, but oh well, that's what you guys are for! Ultimately it'll play out as it's supposed to, but I'm projecting (hah!) seven of the Buckeye line-up will be traveling to Vegas(?). Go Bucks!
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Conference Championship Weekend

Friday, March 8th:

EIWA Championships - FloWrestling
10:30 AM - Round of 32, Round of 16, Consolations
4:30 PM - Quarterfinals, Consolations

MAC Championships - ESPN+
12:00 PM - First Round
2:00 PM - Quarterfinals/Consolations
5:00 PM - Semifinals/Consolations

NCWWC National Championships - FloWrestling
12:00 PM - First Round
5:00 PM - Quarterfinals, Consolations

NAIA Women's National Championships - FloWrestling
11:00 AM - Championship First and Second Rounds; Consolations
7:00 PM - Quarterfinals; Consolations

Saturday, March 9th
Big 12 Championships - ESPN+
11:00 AM - First Round, Quarterfinals
6:00 PM - Semifinals, Consolations

Big Ten Championships - B1G+
10 AM - First Round, Quarterfinals, Consolations
5 PM - Consolations
7 PM - Semifinals

EIWA Championships - FloWrestling
10:30 AM - Semifinals, Consolations
4:45 PM - Finals, Placement Matches

MAC Championships - ESPN+
11:30 AM - Consolation Quarterfinals
1:00 PM - Consolation Semifinals
3:00 PM - Championship Finals/Placement Matches

NCWWC National Championships - FloWrestling
12:00 PM - Semifinals, Consolation Semifinals, 3rd/5th/7th Place
8:00 PM - Championship Finals

NAIA Women's National Championships - FloWrestling
11:00 AM - Semifinals, Consolations, 3rd/5th/7th Place
8:00 PM - Championship Finals

SoCon Championships - ESPN+
10:00 AM - First Round
12:00 PM - Semifinals
2:00 PM - Consolations
5:30 PM- Consolation Finals
7:00 PM - Championship Finals

Sunday, March 10th
ACC Championships - ESPN+
11:00 AM - First Round
1:00 PM - Semifinals
3:30 PM - Consolation Semis
5:00 PM - Consolation Finals
7:00 PM - Championship Finals ACC Network

Pac-12 Championships - Pac-12 Network
1:00 PM - First Session
9:00 PM - Championship Session

Big 12 Championships - ESPN+
1:00 PM - Placement Matches
8:30 PM - Championship Finals - ESPN2

Big Ten Championships - B1G+
12:00 PM - Consolation Semis, 7th place Matches
4:30 PM - Placement Matches - Big Ten Network

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