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Game Thread Ohio State vs Florida Atlantic - 08/31/19, 12:00PM (FOX)

I have no idea what to expect for this season. I'm worried people may be expecting too much from Fields. I expect a drop off from Haskins, Barrett, and Braxton. Will he still be good enough to win the Big Ten? I guess we'll find out.

I'm with you. Have a feeling the offense will take some time to get going and we are all subconsciously expecting to see it pick right up from last year.

I also have a feeling that the athletes on defense are going to be put in a position to do some damage.

Hopefully by the second half, they are firing on all cylinders
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Upon further reflection regarding the turn over chain thing;

The last thing that came out of Miami that everyone thought was cool as hell for about a year then turned out to be this level of gay was Vanilla Ice.

Abandon hope, all ye who voluntarily enter that circle of the Lame Inferno.
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I disagree respectfully. I think Fields is a superb talent and that the offense hits the ground running. I think our receivers have way too much speed. Blowout.

You could absolutely be right which is what is intriguing about this year.

Seems like there could be a very big gap between floor and ceiling.

I have a metric shit ton of faith in Day however
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Passes the time.
Play the dirge of the passing of time, so long the offseason
Remove from my heart the scourge of waiting, waiting,
waiting for the sound of boot against leather ball, the long awaited cheers of Buckeye faithful resounding the continuation of life.
Come to me the thrill of the Horseshoe. ease my pain.
Waiting for the beat of my heart, the filling of my lungs with Buckeye joy.
yet another eternity to game time......
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