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Game Thread Ohio State vs Florida Atlantic - 08/31/19, 12:00PM (FOX)

Wakey wakey from your hibernation Buckeye Nation!!!! The season is upon us and it is GAME DAY MOTHER FUCKERS!!! TIME.TO.GET.PUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMMMMMPPPPPPPEEEEEDDDDDDD!!!!!

Should have stayed home Freshwater. Hurricane Dorian will do less damage to your squad than the Buckeyes will do this day. Fly home Joey, your Owls are drunk...


Can't leave a Buckeye hangin'!

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Good morning ladies and gentlemen, it’s a glorious day to be us again. It’s a cool, crisp morning with light clouding in the air. We have a high noon kickoff, which is the greatest thing in college football. Any of our ORs will beat any of their 1s.

And Michigan can EABOD and wash it down with a gallon of Harbaughs milk. So screw you and your Princeton helmets you stole in on.
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