Nebraska possession breakdown
First Downs Gained:
_________Run___Pass__Pen.__End Of Drive
1st Qtr
2nd Qtr
3rd Qtr
4th Qtr
Two first downs in their first two possessions, one on a penalty.
Third possession: Mortgage the farm - Use plays held back (at the cost of the Colorado game). Three first downs before the Buckeyes call a time-out. Hafley seems to credit the time out with Okudah's interception on the next play.
That's it. That's all they had. Throw everything at the silver bullets. Everything you've been holding back. Three first downs.
Second quarter was another INT and three 3-and-outs; no first downs.
Third quarter, they managed an iffy first down on a long ass replay review. Their next possession starts with Ohio State up 48-0 and Silver Bullets were bored and unfocused. Easy TD.
Fourth quarter: Martinez and Spielman still in the game. Ohio State playing a few starters but none of the stars. The Buckeyes keep everything in front of them and make Nebraska trade the field for the clock. Seven minutes of game time later, the zones shrink in the red zone and Martinez is trapped. Over on downs. Thus endeth Nebraska's ONLY possession of the 4th quarter. Buckeyes run the final 6 minutes plus off the clock. Thanks for coming, drive home safely.
Five first downs in the first quarter, while emptying the playbook of everything they had been holding back. None in the second quarter. In the 7+ minute final possession they earn more rushing first downs than on all previous possessions combined.