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Ohio State Men's Tennis (2014/2019/2024 ITA Indoor National Champs, 17 Straight B1G Titles)

Buckeyes open today with a triple header at the Varsity Indoor Tennis Center,
Just completed was the first in the sequence, a 4-0 sweep over Dayton.
Results here. http://www.ohiostatebuckeyes.com/sports/m-tennis/stats/2015-2016/012016-1.html
Next up:
Butler arrives at 3:30 pm.
Bucks finish with Xavier at 6 pm.
Fans can follow with updates on Livestats here.
and watch through live video feed here.
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Interesting to see Hugo Di Feo as the #1 guy.

Di Feo is the real deal. He proved in the fall he can handle the next level,
my observation was he just does not make unforced errors, and is lightning quick around the court.
Great addition for a deep team.
Notably absent from the Wednesday triple header lineup, were Chris Diaz and Herko Pollanen.
Would anticipate they will both see action Sat. In the ITA kickoff weekend.

Big win for the #18 ranked lady Bucks in the women's ITA kickoff weekend in Texas.
They advanced to the 2nd round with a 4-3 win over #19 Pepperdine.
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Buckeyes squad carries highly impressive ITA rankings,
From Jan. 5 ranking period,
Only one team has 2 players in the top ten of ITA rankings,
And only one team can claim 4 in the top 25.
The lofty rankings are attributed for the fall performances turned in by #7 ranked Mikael Torpegaard, #10 Hugo Di feo, #19 Chris Diaz and #25 Herko pollanen.
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Gracel, where on campus do the netsters play? Remember, loooong ago, in a galaxy far, far, away, that St. John's was home. Are they over in the new baseball area? Where the water tower was by the RR tracks? Or? Cannot picture in my mind. Thanks and go Bucks
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