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Ohio State Men's Tennis (2014/2019/2024 ITA Indoor National Champs, 17 Straight B1G Titles)

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Seeing Duke go down to Tennesee 4-2 was a surprise to me.
Texas A&M going down not too big a surprise; talented but inconsistent.
Glad to see Illinois make it to the Sweet 16

Thanks for the link Script

I like OSU's chances against UF for sure; but UCLA, oh boy is that going to be a fun one. Baylor Vs. Virginia is another potential Elite 8 matchup that would be a great watch.
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Glad to see Illinois make it to the Sweet 16.

I like OSU's chances against UF for sure; but UCLA, oh boy is that going to be a fun one. Baylor Vs. Virginia is another potential Elite 8 matchup that would be a great watch.

Yeah, the 4 other B1G schools (Penn State, scUM, NW, & Purdue) didn't fare to well (i.e. a combined 1-4 record)

I think Ohio State's 6 players are about equal to the other contending school's top 6 players. A 3-3 split is a real possibility with USC, UCLA, VA, Baylor, and/or Oklahoma. You can't count on consistently winning 4-2 with these teams; which means winning the double point is a must in these matches.

I think the possible quarter final match between Georgia and Oklahoma. It will be interesting to see if the "home team" can knock off Oklahoma. After Oklahoma beat Ohio State, I thought the Sooners (with their number of ranked players) might be the best overall tennis team.
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Yeah, the 4 other B1G schools (Penn State, scUM, NW, & Purdue) didn't fare to well (i.e. a combined 1-4 record)

I think Ohio State's 6 players are about equal to the other contending school's top 6 players. A 3-3 split is a real possibility with USC, UCLA, VA, Baylor, and/or Oklahoma. You can't count on consistently winning 4-2 with these teams; which means winning the double point is a must in these matches.

I think the possible quarter final match between Georgia and Oklahoma. It will be interesting to see if the "home team" can knock off Oklahoma. After Oklahoma beat Ohio State, I thought the Sooners (with their number of ranked players) might be the best overall tennis team.

Some great insights Script, especially noteworthy is the equality of the top 6 teams with u Georgia as the wildcard.
and except for OSU and Illini the lapse of the B1G,
yesterday tsun announced they had terminated their head coach, which was not a shock but with the shifting of favorable tennis recruiting to warm weather climates, maybe a bit unfair. It will be interesting to see if OSU asst, is a candidate for that job.
The championship at gawja will be exciting, great venue, lots of tennis fans, and updated online viewing opportunities.
Bucks will face sec Florida in the round of 16. Bucks beat the gators indoors at the ITA indoor in February, but they will have their hands full at Georgia.
The championship central website with schedule/results, video streams and livestats may be found here.

Go Bucks!
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