Cuse dug their own graves in this one. They played absolute stoooopid ball in the first quarter leading to three successful EMOs for Towson. Towson playing possession ball thereafter really took Desko's magic wand away. He's a good game manager, but when you don't have the ball, it's hard to create magic.
It will be interesting to see what coach Nick dials up. This was a very different Towson than what we played earlier this season. Maybe it was the weather (there were snow banks on the side of the field) and / or good growth over the season.
We're a very different team now too. Throw that first one out and look at recent play, and I think we still have an advantage in all phases of the game.
They will do a good job on our middies. So the attack position will be a big deal. I don't know that feeding the crease will be open. I'll have to go back to rewatch this game but I don't recall being overly impressed by their slides. Then again, they may not have had to slide much in this one either.
FoGo should be our advantage.
I like our athleticism on close D / pole. Think we'll be fine there.
I'm a bit concerned about the defensive shorty position. Being down Terefenko isn't good. As concerned about depth as much as anything... but Towson isn't a running team so we could be OK.
I like our depth on the offensive side a lot.
I like Tommy in cage, but Towson's goalie played out of his mind today too. Maybe this is a push.
I like how we've got eight legitimate scorers. Hard to stop that, especially when they score very differently.
Prediction: tOSU 12-8. We play Memorial Day.