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Game Thread Ohio State @ Maryland - 11/17/18, 12:00PM (ABC)

I hate to say it, but this defense looks a lot like a lot of what we saw from scUM during the Rich Rod era and his stupid 3-3-5 scheme. No movement from the D-line, linebackers are small and usually out of position and they can't stop ANYONE.

The problem is the supposedly vaunted D-line just isn't that good. Then you get to the small, supposedly fast linebackers who can't tackle and are seemingly always out of position and then the defensive back 7 is a nightmare. They just aren't that good.

This game is going to end somewhere in the range of 55-24 or so. Haskins will probably throw for 500 but they will have only run for about 80 total. This kid from Maryland might run for 500 when it's all said and done.
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