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Game Thread Ohio State @ Maryland - 11/17/18, 12:00PM (ABC)

Can't watch this garbage anymore. No enjoyment.

See ya tomorrow for basketball. At least i don't spend 3 hours taking a cheese grater to my balls with that team.
Was just thinking to myself how unenjoyable this season has been despite being 9-1. There was a point where I wasn't even looking forward to the games anymore. Now I'm not looking forward to Michigan next week lol.
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I'm smarter than our defensive coaches. So are all of you for all im concerned.

How do we not understand whats happening?

They motion one way and then run weak side. Since we are in man we go running toward the motion EVERY FUCKING TIME. It's wide open every damn play.

This is not even close... this is the worst defense I've ever seen and I dont care they all should be gone besides LJ. Every single one of them.

Embarressing this is week fucking 11 and we cant make a simple adjustment to take the one play they keep doing.
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