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Ohio State 75, Florida 84 (final - NC Game)

apparently since fcbs says florida has already beaten osu for the hoops title that will be played tonight....cbs has asked if the gators could beat boston or memphis....wow...the level of disrespect osu is getting reminds me of the 2002 fiesta vs miami....everyone i have seen predicting has uf winning by 10-20 points...am i missing something? this is the same UF team that struggled to beat purdue, butler and oregon...so they beat an undersized, foul ridden UCLA...big deal..gtown is better that UCLA....
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Here's how much of a Buckeye nut I am- while getting dressed this morning I picked out a blue shirt and a nice orange/blue striped tie. Then I looked at it again and thought "what the hell am I doing? I can't wear blue & orange today!!" So back it went. Gray shirt, red & white striped tie.

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the difference is that miami didn't badly beat ohio state during the 2002 regular season. florida beat ohio state by 26 points in december. sure, the game was played in december, it was a home game for florida, and oden had played only a handful of games. regardless, they beat our team by 26 points. that was a beating. if greg gets into foul trouble and the bucks aren't shooting lights out (especially from behind the arc), this game could get ugly. maybe. the gators have the deepest corps of big men. as able as hunter and twiggy may be, there is way too much competent size suiting up for florida. even without their bigs coming on strong, florida is a good 3-point shooting team.

disrespect shmisrespect. if you lose by almost 30 points, you should expect the media to be incredulous when analyzing the rematch.
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SanAntonioBuck;801148; said:
I would love to see our Buckeyes shoot lights-out in the NC game. I wouldn't mind seeing them have a Villanova night (circa 1985).:)
Screw Villanova, I'm thinking more along the lines of the high school gym scene from the movie "Pleasantville" before the kids learn about sin. :tongue2:
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I'm sure our boys will be very well informed on their underdog status. Hopefully they come out playing like they've been disrespected, but we'll see.

I honestly wouldn't be surprised to see it get ugly in the opposite direction. I think we can win this big. Florida too, can flop.
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Reporter at yesterday's press conference:

"Thad, how unique is it that Florida would have 3 potential first round picks to win a championship and then agree to come back? When do you think the game will see something like that again?"

Thad Matta - "Hopefully next year."


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