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Ohio State 62, Florida 49 (Final)

I know his minutes are short and his offense is lacking but I love the way Dallas clears the lane out when he's in there. He is one of the only guys on our team that thinks every rebound is his and he goes for it.
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That Florida steal under the bucket at the end of the half was bullshit...the Gayturd that "stole" the ball fouled by reaching around at the refs are standing there with their thumbs up their asses...
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MililaniBuckeye;1036790; said:
That Florida steal under the bucket at the end of the half was bullshit...the Gayturd that "stole" the ball fouled by reaching around at the refs are standing there with their thumbs up their asses...

agreed but KK nees to be strong enough to hold on to that.
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TimTaylor75;1036791; said:
Buckeyes looking good in the first half with great intensity. Up by 10 at the half. Diebler shooting well and Lighty playing like a man possessed.

Just called and talked to my brother (he is at the game) and he stated that the noise level at the Schott is the loudest of all the games played there this year....

Keep up the play in the 2nd half boys.....
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