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Ohio State 62, Florida 49 (Final)

We need Hunter to D-up on Speights, and KK to be smart with the help D. or vice versa. Their peremeter guys are gonna have their hands full with our backcourt's D. Deibler hopefully shot himself out of his slump, and our last two games, have got us in a good headspace shooting the ball.

Go Bucks, Revenge is gonna be sweet! :oh:
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bkochmc;1035814; said:
Sweet... what position do you play? Whoever you are I hope you have a good shooting afternoon tomorrow and remember to crash the boards.

I was refering to the fact that I live in Florida.. And now, after we kill them, I'm going to bring hell along with me to work. You didn't have to be like that... :(
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Panthersfan;1035926; said:
I was refering to the fact that I live in Florida.. And now, after we kill them, I'm going to bring hell along with me to work. You didn't have to be like that... :(

I know your pain but seriously, if we win(and we should) we still haven't earned the right to talk any shit to UF fans. If the roles were reversed I'd laugh at someone who did that.

This would be more akin to confirmation of the fact that they had a fantastic run of success but its over now(it might get better who knows, but it won't stay the same). The worst element of their fanbase simply doesn't get that.
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Great minutes by Twig. The elbow is WIDE open for us on the offensive end but we continue to have incorrect assignments going on defense. Butler has been active defensively but he needs to assert himself on offense.

More shooting for Diebler and Lighty.
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