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Game Thread Ohio State 58, Northwestern 7 (final)

DAMN! playaction bomb to Robo. intercepted at the 2. great play by the NU DB. ball was late.

1st: playaction. Heyward was chasing him down in the endzone. incomplete.

2nd: pass for two. tackle by JL. can you say "Butkus"?

3rd and 8: inside give on the draw for a first.

1st: another draw for a few. Russell with the stop.

2nd: SACK! Gholston has come alive.

3rd and long: draw play for no gain. Gholston with another stop. did anyone say that he's come alive? :biggrin:

end of the first quarter.
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RoscoeParrish;937254; said:
Bacher tried to block Barrow, didn't go over too well. Just kind of fell to the ground.

Liberal substitution going on, seen Spitler, Abdallah, Barrow already.

Jesus Christ, even if they had Sutton, they aren't that good. They lost to fucking Duke with him last week.

I think you need to re-check what Sutton did against Duke last week. He didn't touch the ball, and I don't believe he played at all.
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