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Game Thread Ohio State 58, Northwestern 7 (final)

Bacher tried to block Barrow, didn't go over too well. Just kind of fell to the ground.

Liberal substitution going on, seen Spitler, Abdallah, Barrow already.

Jesus Christ, even if they had Sutton, they aren't that good. They lost to fucking Duke with him last week.
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1st: incomplete.

2nd: tipped incomplete.

3rd: incomplete. PI on Jenkins. crap. crowd is booing the refs, but he was there a little early.

1st: reverse. sniffed out by Abdallah for a 1 yard loss. 5 yard facemask.
South Carolina scores on LSU, takes and early 7-0 lead.

2nd: straight ahead for nothing.

3rd: complete for a gain of 5 or so. close to a 1st down. yup.

1st: option for a loss of one. tackle by Gholston. note to opposing coaches. do NOT try to get to the edge on this team. if you're going to get yards, it's gonna be up the middle.

2nd: blitz, tipped incomplete by Rose.

3rd and 12: blitz again, INT Chekwa! across midfield. that was a very athletic play.

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