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Ohio State 49 Illinois 67 (Final)

Best Buckeye

Pretending I'm a pleasant person is exhausting.
Staff member
Fresh off an Ann Arbor mauling of the wolverines The Bucks travel to Champaign to battle the Illini in a key B10 battle.
The Illini lost their last game to B10 leading Sparty.
I loved the way we got our bigs involved last night and we need to do that more Tues. night.
Go Buckeyes :oh:
MaxBuck;1384640; said:
Much as I hate to say it, we have a huge deficit at point guard relative to Illini. Both McCamey and Frazier are among the top 5 in the B11 in dimes.
I agree with that, mostly because it is fact,:) but Simmons is really starting to come on. He might not be the assist man but he can score and is starting to show that he can take it close to the basket. He was having a nice game against sCum but got into foul trouble.

Our big men won't be able to dominate like they did against sCum because Illinois has decent size including that big 7' guy.
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LitlBuck;1385342; said:
... Illinois has ... that big 7' guy.
Mike Tisdale, quite possibly the world's ugliest human. All the muscle tone of a sea cucumber, yet he has some skillz.

I guess you have never watched the sea cucumber special olymics MaxBuck...They have some great atheletes there.
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fourteenandoh;1385972; said:
why do we play ILL 3 times this year? and why do we play them twice in a row at home two days apart at the end of Feb?

It's either/or at the end of February, not both. TV will dictate the date/time, depending on the importance of the game.
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This is a pretty big game because the winner will be in position to challenge MSU for the Big Ten title & the loser could practically be out of the title race by being 3-losses behind MSU.

The Illini lead the Big Ten in 3-point % defense at 27.6% ... that tells me it is unlikely for Diebs to have a breakout game (UM is #2 in 3PT% defense). Illinois also leads the conference in scoring defense, yielding only 57.0 ppg while their offense is #1 in team FG% at 47.9%. They're also #1 in Assists per game and A/TO ratio. Illinois seems to be a team with several guys who can either have big nights or kind of disappear - of their four players who average double figures in points, three of them have scored in single digits in 7 or more of their 18 games this season and the other has had games of 1, 2, 2 and 4 points, but all four have had at least one 20+ point game this season. They really have a pretty good mix of guys and there's always someone who steps up for them. Mike Tisdale in particular seems to be a boom or bust type of guy - he is thin and prone to getting in foul trouble, so attacking him would seem to be a good strategy.

Illinois' Chester Frazier reportedly suffered a bruised tailbone in the MSU loss ... gives new meaning to getting your a@@ kicked.

Illinois doesn't shoot as many 3s as most teams in the Big Ten (although they do shoot a pretty good percentage on 3s).

The Illini might have two of the Big Ten's assist leaders, but Jeremie Simmons is #5 in the conference in A/TO ratio and only one of Illinois' assist leaders is in the top 5, so there!
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fourteenandoh;1385987; said:
jake's right. i was looking at the men's schedule on espn and they have back to back games listed at the end of february.

They do that because the game time is still TBA. It will be on one of those two dates, not both. They like put off setting times for the late season conference games, presumably because they want to see how the early season plays out, who the good teams are, etc. So you will only play them twice this year.
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Pomeroy Rankings as of 1/19:
Ohio State: 40
Illinois: 17

Pomeroy Game Prediction:
Score: Ohio State 55, Illinois 63
Pace: 60 possessions
OSU chance of winning: 20%

Ohio State Stats (rankings in parentheses):
Strength of Schedule: 85
Avg. Number of Possessions: 64.2 (280)
Offensive Efficiency (points scored per 100 possessions): 108.1 (68)
Defensive Efficiency (points allowed per 100 possessions): 90.4 (36)
"The Dallas" Defensive Block Percentage: 18.9 (2)

Ohio State Scouting Report

Hopefully Ken's game prediction is more incorrect this time than it was for the scUM game (gave OSU a 40% chance of winning that game).
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