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Game Thread Ohio State 43, Youngstown St. 0 (Aug. 30)

bigballin2987;1243239; said:
:lol: No one touched him.

Not sure if you are joking. I am referring to the earlier posts in the game when people were complaining that YSU players hit TB late and that they were going after Beanie's ankles. If this is a ligament tear, its seeds could have been planted right there.
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Steve19;1243230; said:
I am having difficulty typing as well. My fingers have gone stone cold.

I haven't seen the game but I am angered that their defense was playing dirty on the ground with Wells and then this happens. It would be easy to be indignant. How much money did JT put into that place? What kind of chance is it for their program to play at Ohio Stadium?

But, this may not be due to that stuff at all. After all, opposing playerrs are going to be doing whatever they can to Beanie all year. I just hope this isn't as bad as my upset stomach tells me it could be.

Let's remember something else. If it is, we can win a NC with this defense and we have lots of talent on offense. We don't have another Beanie, it wouldn't be as good, but we have options.

Let's just hope that this isn't as bad as it sounds.

For those of you who can't see, and to reiterate; it was a non-contact injury. The officials are letting YSU play, which is at it should be IMHO; but that had nothing to do with Beanie's injury.

And as has already been posted I'm sure, Beanie has re-entered the field of play. THEY ARE LETTING HIM PUT WEIGHT ON THAT FOOT. That gives me some hope that we'll see him again this year.

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OHSportsFan9;1243236; said:
Well TP is a big man just powered his way to the endzone. Wow...he's good.

On this note though...again, just thinking positively. Buckeyes go out to USC and pull off a win...couple of easy W's. Win a tough game at Wisky. Michigan still doesn't really worry me (in Tress I trust).

I don't know, a couple tough road blocks, but if they can manage to somehow get back to the NC game...that's 4 months away...maybe he can get back for that.

Like I said on Beanie's thread... Adversity.

It's (almost) always a good thing.
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Hello Folks
Pryor's 1st OSU Career TD
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notfadeaway;1243266; said:
I saw not boot...you sure?

Positive. They just zoomed in on it, and the announcers are describing it as a boot, too.

That's a good sign, considering the possibilities.
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