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Game Thread Ohio State 34, Minnesota 21 (Sep. 27)

sparcboxbuck;1274300; said:
Credit coach Brewster and staff for keeping them going. That's a sign of a program that is on it's way up. (OK, seriously... after a 1-11 season, where else do you have to go... ) There's no doubt in my mind that those kids knew that the game was out of reach but they just kept going. BUT they knew that their play today IS going to be the difference in a couple of games later in the year and they showed some real grit. I know you hate to get one in the L-column, but they played with honor.

Congrats to those young men for not giving up, regardless of the outcome or the likely outcome.

I hope that our young men take pause to refect on that kind of attitude. The way Minnie played today should have a chapter in the second edition of "The Winner's Manual."

Credit BP Staff for getting the site back up again!

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Lantern: Ohio State football vs. Minnesota slideshow

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BuckeyeMike80;1274301; said:
1) OSU was playing guys on Defense that I was having issues even identifying.

2) JT probably couldn't give a [censored] less about the polls at this point in time.

And that's fine. As a fan of OSU, and someone who hopes someway/somehow OSU can slip back into the National Title hunt....it is going to sting a little bit on Monday when all of these teams in front of us have lost this weekend, and we are going to stay right in that 12-14 range.

USC and Florida will both remain in front of us. USC justified obviosuly. If OSU had crushed Minny, they definately move up the ladder and UF slides behind us.

I doubt JT was thinking National Title in the 4th quarter of the game today, but winning pretty doesn't hurt in today's age of glamour polls.
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billmac91;1274329; said:
And that's fine. As a fan of OSU, and someone who hopes someway/somehow OSU can slip back into the National Title hunt....it is going to sting a little bit on Monday when all of these teams in front of us have lost this weekend, and we are going to stay right in that 12-14 range.

USC and Florida will both remain in front of us. USC justified obviosuly. If OSU had crushed Minny, they definately move up the ladder and UF slides behind us.

I doubt JT was thinking National Title in the 4th quarter of the game today, but winning pretty doesn't hurt in today's age of glamour polls.

I get what you're saying, but if being a tOSU fan has taught me anything, it's that polls in September don't mean jack shit. :wink:
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stpaulgoph;1273871; said:
Garbage points? If tOSU doesnt want them then stop em.

Like I posted elsewhere, would you haved wanted Tressel and co to take a knee down by 30 + in Los Angeles? Or would you have wanted the Bucks to score?

Its garbage points if its against your team, but "hustle and a never say die attitude" if its your boys scoring :shake:

Minney had 2nd stringers playing on O-line and at WR (true frosh) on the last two scoring drives.

Give an opponent a little credit. Perhaps a bit much to expect on here? :ohwell:

Well, Minny didn't do shit with our starters... hence the garbage points. I didn't know the second string WRs were out there at the time, but most of the yards were rushing from what I remember.

Like I said before, I root for Minnesota pretty much every week, but the game was over when they started doing good things. No offense intended.. if you don't want them to be called garbage points, score them when the game is close. :tongue2:
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In regards to the talk about Boom, I think with some experience he has a chance to show all of us something. What I see of him right now is the vision to see the hole but not yet the confidence to explode through it. As has been stated before Beanie had some of the same issues early on in his career. MoC came in and right away had the vision and explosiveness that you rarely see from any tailback at this level as a freshman. The vision is unteachable but trusting your vision and bursting through the hole is. Guys like Lydell Ross, Mo Hall and even Mo Wells just don't have that vision and too many times ran into holes that didn't or don't exist. Boom sees the holes he just comes through them tentative and gets bumped by that first level and doesnt hit the second level of the defense with enough momentum to make those three yard carries seven or eight. Coaching and experience will make a huge difference in his game.

As far as the polls go, I put little or no stock in them right now. I remember an article I read before the season that talked about the "Return of the Titans" this year in College Football. As much fun as the craziness of the '07 season was the powers of College Football were back and would control the '08 season. Oh, Really? This season is shaping up just like last season, and last season should have taught all of us that only ONE poll all season matters. The last one. Much like was our mantra last season after the heartbreaker to the Zookies, take care of our business and win the Big Ten and the rest will sort itself out. It is WAY too early to be worrying about polls. Take out the rest of the Big Ten one by one by damn one and we will leave the pollsters no choice. So fuck them and whatever they think of our Buckeyes right now.

Besides, if we win 78-6 today and then go to Madison next week and lose by 1, does todays margin of victory mean a damn thing?
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  1. Beanie is a badass.
  2. Pryor is too.
  3. The penalties are disppointing.
  4. The crowd is disappointing.
  5. So is the BTN. I'm rooting for it to succeed, but there's no question it is still a poor quality product. The picture and audio are jumpy and the camera operators get faked out way too much.
  6. Also, there is no excuse in this day and age to not have cameras on the major boundaries (like the back of the endzone) in a game in a BCS conference. I know that last Minnesota TD didn't mean much except costing me some vCash - and maybe the catch was good, maybe not. The fact that they didn't even have a suitable camer angle for the review is not right. What if this were a bigger game? What if that were a bigger play?
  7. I don't care if it's the threes out there, is stopping the opponent on at least some fourth downs too much to ask?
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Worm02;1274211; said:
FWIW, being a close friend of Boom's (he's like a little brother to me), I can tell you that people have been doubting him since high school in regards to Ohio State, and some still are. First, they said that he wasn't good enough to be a Buckeye. When he became a Buckeye, they said that he wasn't good enough to play. When he played, they said that he wasn't good enough to start. Once he started, some people, though not as many as before, said that he'll never amount to much. What more does he have to do? He's not perfect, but who is? When he makes a mistake, he learns from it. He always moves forward, he holds on to the ball, he gives up his body to protect the quarterback, etc. Being from Warren, he looked up to Warren Harding's runningbacks such as Maurice Clarett (he garduated with Boom's older brother David in 2002), Richard Davis (used to play for Toledo), Delbert Ferguson (plays LB for Cincinnati), Deryck Toles (played LB for Penn State from 1999-2003), Carl Diggs (played LB for Michigan from 99-03), etc. Now that he's at Ohio State, he looks up to Beanie. He learned a lot from all of them, but being on the same team as Beanie has been even more beneficial to him because it's more "hands on."

Boom has traveled a long road to get to where he is, but I promise you that he's not satisfied yet.
I highlighted the two important parts.

The one thing that everyone has to realize regarding Dan Herron is that all he has done since he arrived at Ohio State is improve.

Week 1: 5 carries, 17 yards, 3.7 YPC
Week 2: 12 carries, 50 yards, 1 TD, 4.2 YPC
Week 3: 11 carries, 51 yards, 4.6 YPC
Week 4: 20 carries, 94 yards, 4.7 YPC
Week 5: 10 carries, 50 yards

And, frankly, I've seen all of Ohio State's games this year. Every time I see him go out on the field, he is bringing something more each time. And, his speed is very underrated. To put it simply, I saw him take that hole for that 25 yard run and I had to ask myself who had just made that run. He is starting to find those big holes. When he gets a hole and go north to south, he isn't afraid to make contact and he has blazing speed.

To me, he embodies the idea of what Jim Tressel sees as essential in a football player. He doesn't make mistakes. He always falls forward. He gets involved in the blocking game. He isn't afraid to take a hit. He isn't afraid to make a block. He loves to make contact. He takes whatever the defense gives him. And, he only cares about getting better. He lowers his body, making him harder to tackle. He seems like the kind of player that will be a role model during his Junior and Senior seasons. And, he is only a Redshirt Freshman guys. He is just a Redshirt Freshman. For a Redshirt Freshman, he has incredible football IQ.

For the other point, lemme just state that it's unfair to compare Daniel Herron to Maurice Clarrett and Beanie Wells because they are both once in a decade talents (As stated in another thread), like Eddie George was for the 90s, Byars was for the 80s, and Griffin was for a friggin' lifetime. We just happened to have both of them in one decade, so we are definitely spoiled.

And, as NastyDogg stated, as soon as he learns to go straight into that hole, he will be spectacular.

The next jersey I'm buying is a #1 jersey. Certain players make impressions on me, even if they aren't superstars. Daniel Herron is one of those guys.

On the BTN topic: The camera crews are efficient, in my opinion. The audio isn't that great, though. I listen to the BTN and I listen to any game on ESPN or ABC, and there is a huge difference. Hopefully they'll learn in time, because I really like how our conference has it's own network. And, if they become more presentable, I'm sure they will be picked up by almost every cable company. They just need to improve.
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jlb1705;1274401; said:
  1. Beanie is a badass.
  2. Pryor is too.
  3. The penalties are disppointing.
  4. The crowd is disappointing.
  5. So is the BTN. I'm rooting for it to succeed, but there's no question it is still a poor quality product. The picture and audio are jumpy and the camera operators get faked out way too much.
  6. Also, there is no excuse in this day and age to not have cameras on the major boundaries (like the back of the endzone) in a game in a BCS conference. I know that last Minnesota TD didn't mean much except costing me some vCash - and maybe the catch was good, maybe not. The fact that they didn't even have a suitable camer angle for the review is not right. What if this were a bigger game? What if that were a bigger play?
  7. I don't care if it's the threes out there, is stopping the opponent on at least some fourth downs too much to ask?


btw, i think there is an "a" in there somewhere
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Boom's great I'm glad to have him on our team. When Beanies not in there he's the only guy I want on the field. That's not a knock to Mo or even Saine.... it just shows how much respect I have for him.

O ya, and I agree with the above poster. The penalties are disappointing.
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Most encouraging aspect of this game and this season is how many of our youngsters are ahead of the curve and how good of a job they're doing picking up the slack for the seniors.

Wells(not sure if he played today though)
and now Sweat

All of them saw PT and they're just freshmen. We also have Heyward, Gibson, Hines, Homan, and Sanzenbacher starting and they're just sophomores. Just hope they follow the progression the '04 team made to '05 instead of '07 to '08.
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I just wanted to say I didn't really hear at one point the crowd get rowdy. WHY is this such a problem??? I think they need to unite the entire student secton in the closed endzone. The noise would be deafening in that end.

I'm consistently disappointed in our fans noise level. I went to the Texas game in 05' and that was INSANE so It seems the opponent dictates our energy levels but come on. Penn State this year will be insane too
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