Does Any Hope Remain?
Not sure whether to be excited about USC losing or to be upset? On one hand, it does feel good to see them lose, really good... On the other hand, it kinda sucks for us since they thrashed us then got beat by an unranked team.
The real question is, if we win out, somehow finding a little magic in Pryor that will allow us to beat Wisconson, Mich State and Illinois, is there any real chance that we will have a shot to play for another championship?
I say no way, BUT, the BCS doesn't always choose teams for the championship soley on performance. A very big reason we played for the championship last year is that the BCS knows that Buckeye Fans support their team they stand a good shot to make a lot of money when Ohio State fans get involved. You cannot deny that money is the driving force behind the BCS and it greatly motivates their decisions.
I don't know... I'm just shootin from the hip...
Anyone have an educated response?
Perhaps Kirk Herbstreit is reading this thread? I'm sure he'd have something interesting to say, lol... Traitor.