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Game Thread Ohio State 30, Illinois 20 (Nov 15)

I sure hope we can get a BCS bid. I'd love for TP and the Bucks to have a national stage to show what our offense can do as he progresses, and do it against a conference champion.
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The lack of holding calls on the other team this season has been very upsetting. It seems that we dont get those type of calls for us, and if we do its against our db's. Or maybe as an Ohio State fan I'm just seeing this as a conspiracy.
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Jake;1326728; said:
I sure hope we can get a BCS bid. I'd love for TP and the Bucks to have a national stage to show what our offense can do as he progresses, and do it against a conference champion.

If our defense is playing like this, I'm not sure I want to see us in a BCS bowl. They're going to have 200 yards rushing in one half.
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I don't think a lot of realize how big the Illinois offensive guys are.


They're all BIG DUDES and they're gonna be extremely hard to tackle.

It'd be nice to see a response to that score here right before the half and then get the ball back again after the half.
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