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Game Thread Ohio State 3, Southern Cal 35 (Sept. 13)

OregonBuckeye;1255509; said:
Hoping we really utilize our TE's in this game. I'd like to see a similar gameplan to '07 PSU.

I wish we still had Fred Davis.

That said, the TE is probably the most underrated position in sports. There is no better way to get bailed out of blown up plays or pick up third and medium than having a good tight end which is why I personally think USC needs to recruit them harder. I vividly remember current Patriots TE and former Texas TE David Thomas just killing USC in the Rose Bowl several years back on third and medium. The guy had great hands and was big but he ran fantastic routes and kept more drives alive than Vince Young's legs. Well, maybe not but you get the picture.
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Kurt Sexington;1255505; said:
Thanks! Not to turn this into a slurp fest but Buckeyeplanet is hands down the best opponents board I've been on, period. Best posters and best information by far.

As to the comment about Wells and Mauluga, didn't you guys read about how fat Rey was at the Rose Bowl? There's no way Beanie could take out a 270 pound LB--he'd just run right in there and get caught in his blubber.

Pffft... can he arm tackle like Shawn Crable?

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OK, so I have to know who USC has beat in the last couple years to make everyone think OSU is so overmatched? Was it the Illinois game last year? I could understand that seeing as Ohio State got beat by Illinois, but I also think Ohio State could have probably pounded Stanford a bit too...right?

So, and this is a real question not sarcasm, who has USC beat the last couple years to warrant the beat down the media and country seems to see coming Saturday? I think USC and Ohio State actually have stacked up pretty well the last couple years... I really like USC truthfully - I think they're a great program and this is another huge matchup like Ohio State Texas a couple years ago.

So, last year USC beat a Nebraska team that lost 7 times that year. They lost to Oregon and Stanford and then beat Illinois in the bowl game. Ohio State lost to Illinois and then the National Champ LSU. In 2006 USC lost 2 games too... UCLA and Oregon State. in 2006 Ohio State only lost to Florida, the national champ.

So, outside of losing to the national champions the last 2 years, the only other loss was Illinois. I fail to see how we can be getting trashed so badly and USC gets pumped up so high? Oregon is about the only team that I would say was better for sure than the top 3-4 big ten teams. And they lost to them last year. Oregon is good, no doubt, but USC seems to be getting a very nice break from the media here -

I'm sure it's all based on perception and the last 2 title games, but you would think real analysts might start paying attention....

Sorry if this has been covered a thousand times already -
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OregonBuckeye;1255509; said:
Hoping we really utilize our TE's in this game. I'd like to see a similar gameplan to '07 PSU.

Yeah, that little dink pass that LSU threw to the TE a couple of times in the MNC game has had me thinking it's about time we add that to our playbook.

It's not like our TEs don't have hands, and God knows that if JT were to call that kind of play there's no flipp'n way that SC would be looking for it.
Maybe that old lady who wrote to JT about the Statue of Liberty should get on the horn again:wink:

In general, I'd like to see our TEs getting balls thown to them way more often, for no other reason than to mix it up a bit. Hell, I'd even be down with a tackle elgible play.

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jking222222;1255552; said:
OK, so I have to know who USC has beat in the last couple years to make everyone think OSU is so overmatched? Was it the Illinois game last year? I could understand that seeing as Ohio State got beat by Illinois, but I also think Ohio State could have probably pounded Stanford a bit too...right?

So, and this is a real question not sarcasm, who has USC beat the last couple years to warrant the beat down the media and country seems to see coming Saturday? I think USC and Ohio State actually have stacked up pretty well the last couple years... I really like USC truthfully - I think they're a great program and this is another huge matchup like Ohio State Texas a couple years ago.

So, last year USC beat a Nebraska team that lost 7 times that year. They lost to Oregon and Stanford and then beat Illinois in the bowl game. Ohio State lost to Illinois and then the National Champ LSU. In 2006 USC lost 2 games too... UCLA and Oregon State. in 2006 Ohio State only lost to Florida, the national champ.

So, outside of losing to the national champions the last 2 years, the only other loss was Illinois. I fail to see how we can be getting trashed so badly and USC gets pumped up so high? Oregon is about the only team that I would say was better for sure than the top 3-4 big ten teams. And they lost to them last year. Oregon is good, no doubt, but USC seems to be getting a very nice break from the media here -

I'm sure it's all based on perception and the last 2 title games, but you would think real analysts might start paying attention....

Sorry if this has been covered a thousand times already -

Rightly or wrongly, this is what the national and media perception of the game comes down to:

1) USC's record in BCS games
2) USC's win against Virginia
3) Buckeyes record in recent BCS games
4) Buckeyes win against OU
5) Beanie Wells injury

That's pretty much it. It ignores a hell of a lot of everything but the nation has never been one to think in an overly critical manner...
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sparcboxbuck;1255560; said:
Yeah, that little dink pass that LSU threw to the TE a couple of times in the MNC game has had me thinking it's about time we add that to our playbook.

Yes, I miss Ricky Dudley too...

That is the last time off hand that I remember the TE being a big part of the gameplan consistently. But, maybe I am just old and jaded.
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jking222222;1255552; said:
OK, so I have to know who USC has beat in the last couple years to make everyone think OSU is so overmatched? Was it the Illinois game last year? I could understand that seeing as Ohio State got beat by Illinois, but I also think Ohio State could have probably pounded Stanford a bit too...right?

So, and this is a real question not sarcasm, who has USC beat the last couple years to warrant the beat down the media and country seems to see coming Saturday? I think USC and Ohio State actually have stacked up pretty well the last couple years... I really like USC truthfully - I think they're a great program and this is another huge matchup like Ohio State Texas a couple years ago.

So, last year USC beat a Nebraska team that lost 7 times that year. They lost to Oregon and Stanford and then beat Illinois in the bowl game. Ohio State lost to Illinois and then the National Champ LSU. In 2006 USC lost 2 games too... UCLA and Oregon State. in 2006 Ohio State only lost to Florida, the national champ.

So, outside of losing to the national champions the last 2 years, the only other loss was Illinois. I fail to see how we can be getting trashed so badly and USC gets pumped up so high? Oregon is about the only team that I would say was better for sure than the top 3-4 big ten teams. And they lost to them last year. Oregon is good, no doubt, but USC seems to be getting a very nice break from the media here -

I'm sure it's all based on perception and the last 2 title games, but you would think real analysts might start paying attention....

Sorry if this has been covered a thousand times already -

The media is biased, it's mostly irrational and everyone who knows anything about sports knows that.

That being said, we deserve some of the criticism that we're getting. We should be respected for getting to two title games in a row, but we shouldn't be praised just because we got there. We have to earn respect by winning big games. I think it's safe to say that the national media will not bash us nearly as much if we take care of business in SoCal.

I'm sure we'll hear that USC is not as good as usual, but they'll still give us a little more respect.
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I think this game will be very interesting regardless of the outcome. After seeing the last two BCS championships games, im afraid to admit that I have bought into the "we are slower than them" argument. How could I not, our WR couldn't get open, theirs(LSU & FLA) had no problem getting open. We couldn't get any rush with our front four, they had no problem getting a rush with their front four. Did the layoff affect us, or is our team just that much slower? Im not sure, but I think I will have a pretty good idea by halftime.
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I don't understand why people put so much weight into what certain sportswriters say. Do these said sportswriters hold a special degree in predicting games or have a master's in game analysis and breakdowns?? No. Yes there are some former coaches/players, but for the most part they are just people that watch football like the rest of us. That is why I don't see why people get their panties in a bunch over what these morons say.
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gemsweater;1255601; said:
I don't understand why people put so much weight into what certain sportswriters say. Do these said sportswriters hold a special degree in predicting games or have a master's in game analysis and breakdowns?? No. Yes there are some former coaches/players, but for the most part they are just people that watch football like the rest of us. That is why I don't see why people get their panties in a bunch over what these morons say.

Hopefully in the very near future I'll have my Sports Communication/Journalism Degree [sarcasm](Which is actually a Master's in predicting Games)[/sarcasm] and I'll be able to talk and discuss and write about sports, all the time.

But don't listen to these guys, they don't know. PTI is good, but Around the Horn and Jim Rome is Burning (from a hooker) are not good shows.

Just listen to me in a couple years. It'll be all gravy.
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