Fellow fans, allow me apologize for my lack of clarity. And thanks to those who were able to read my mind.
I was thinking, but neglected to state, that from the USC perspective, the most recent game they played was a decisive victory over Illinois (Big 10). And Illinois beat OSU. So I speculate that players from USC might be tempted to think (but never say) that we beat the team that beat OSU, therefore USC was deserving to play for the national title. That's their world.
So while I agree that PC would never allow USC to underestimate OSU and though players are indeed more level headed than their fans, nonetheless, I personally would like USC's temptations to be magnified by a big victory over Virginia. Even though Virginia is not in the Big 10, Illinois is their context. Furthermore, when USC watches film of OSU playing weaker teams than Virginia (Youngstown and Ohio U) they might be tempted further. One or two USC players might stop eating Wheaties on game day.
Certainly, the worst scenario for Ohio State would be for USC to lose to Virginia and come out playing against Ohio State with chips on both shoulders.
Switching gears - Go bucks! Blitz the Trojans! If they said that Deon Sanders could "take away half the football field" from an offense, then why not let Malcolm Jenkins take away an entire football field by himself, and send the other 10 players after Sanchez.