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Game Thread Ohio State 24, Michigan State 17 (final)

OregonBuckeye;965932; said:
Most misleading score of the season so far?

Yep. This one was a few miscues away from 31-3, and that's being generous. Watch for the ESPiN pundits, especially Herbie, to point to this score as a sign of the Big Ten "being down" with "no great teams", while South Carolina losing at home to Vanderbilt just shows the depth of the SEC. :roll2:
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Let me summarize the game using pictures.



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Ohio State 24, Michigan State 17
Unnerved but still unbeaten
Buckeyes build 24-0 lead, then hold on against Spartans
Saturday, October 20, 2007 6:45 PM
By Tim May

Ohio State's Ray Small makes a move against T.J. Williams of Michigan State.

On a clear, beautiful homecoming afternoon in Ohio Stadium, the college-football upset bug was spotted, then swatted just in time by top-ranked Ohio State.
The Buckeyes beat Michigan State 24-17 today. It turned out to be a statement game for OSU running back Chris "Beanie" Wells -- 221 yards on 30 carries -- and after looking like a runaway for a while, it also turned out to be a fight.
Up 24-0 at 6:52 of the third quarter, the Buckeyes watched the Spartans take back a Todd Boeckman interception and a Boeckman fumble for consecutive scores. Otis Wiley returned the interception 54 yards, SirDarean Adams took the fumble back 25, and at 2:56 of the third it was new game.
Wells, on his way to a career-high game, even fumbled on the next possession but recovered at OSU's 13-yard line.

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When this one wrapped up, it didn't feel like a win. Two big negative plays kinda wiped away a lot of good that happened today. Then I thought about it some more, and realized that not only is this outcome OK for today, but also that I would've killed for this to have been the outcome in 1998. People can say what they want about the strength of this team, and perhaps they'll be right. A lot of other teams have lost games like this one this year, and the Buckeyes made it through, and I'm just fine with that.

It seems to me like they abandoned the medium pass for a good portion of the game. I don't know if that was playcalling or Boeckman's decision-making - but that's what I saw. It seems like every pass for a while was a deep ball or into the flat.

I was also disconcerted by the lack of carries for Saine. I understand why M. Wells gets into the game ahead of him and what they're trying to do, but it also seems pretty clear to me that Saine is the better alternative for maintaining a credible rushing attack when Chris Wells is out of the game.
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OSU_Buckguy;966030; said:
today tried to be 1998. it tried very, very hard. tressel wouldn't allow it.

Interesting post here. Poise under pressure has replaced the "deer in the headlights" look. I don't mean that as a slap to the past, it's just a fact that the overall persona of the program has changed. When things get tight, the wheels don't totally fall off. That's a credit to the guy in charge. It isn't always going to be pretty and easy, most times you have to grind a little. As a sidenote, I like the fact that the Bucks were able to run out the clock, and string together some first downs. The O-line and the running game finished strong, and that is a good omen heading into Happy Valley.
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jlb1705;966043; said:
I was also disconcerted by the lack of carries for Saine. I understand why M. Wells gets into the game ahead of him and what they're trying to do, but it also seems pretty clear to me that Saine is the better alternative for maintaining a credible rushing attack when Chris Wells is out of the game.

I feel exactly the same way. You gotta admire Mo for gutting it out and hanging around, but you can't deny that he is not a good fit for how they try to use him. The O just isn't the same when he's in the game. He is just not effective running between the tackles and frankly is average when trying to get outside. Just look at his ypc. A healthy Saine is clearly a better alternative. I guess maybe "healthy" could be the key word there.
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