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Game Thread Ohio State 24, Michigan State 17 (final)

Rivals.com (Free)

Buckeyes survive mistakes to win.......game recap.

Rivals.com$ (Brandon Castel)

Buckeyes defense rises to the challenge.......article discusses the defensive performance against the top ranked offense in the Big Ten. The D held Michigan State to just 59 yards rushing on 28 carries, an average of 2.1 yards per carry.

Rivals.com$ (Kevin Noon)

Lapse makes for tense moments.........article discusses the mistakes by the offense.
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My favorite post-game comment was from Tressel, when he was asked what he told the team when they had the second touchdown scored against the offense.

"Just calm down."

Cooper definitely left the building.
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Ohio State 24, Michigan State 17
Transcript of Jim Tressel's postgame news conference
(Provided by the Ohio State athletics communications office)
Saturday, October 20, 2007 7:44 PM

COACH TRESSEL: Well, it was an interesting game we played today. I thought our guys came out, played very, very solid first half and defensively I thought we played solid the whole game. Offensively, unfortunately, we gave away 14 points, which you can't do if you want to be the Big Ten champions, but fortunately our defense is who they are today and got them stopped and we did a fairly good job putting some run drives together there when they were just sending the kitchen sink and all, and the blitz, and Beanie stepped up and toted it a bunch of times. There were some good things, some we've got to square away if we want to be good, and we understand what lies ahead.

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Ohio State 24, Michigan State 17
Turnovers cause abrupt momentum shift

Saturday, October 20, 2007 10:12 PM
By Tim May


Ohio State's dream run toward its eighth straight win briefly turned into a nightmare movie in the third quarter today, and quarterback Todd Boeckman was the lead character.

With OSU leading Michigan State 24-0, on successive possessions Boeckman:
  • Threw an interception to the Spartans' Otis Wiley, who returned it 54 yards for a touchdown
  • Gave up a fumble on a hard hit by Jonal Saint-Dic, which SirDarean Adams returned 25 yards for another touchdown
"Those two series, they were tough," Boeckman said. "They were bringing pressure the whole game, but they finally got to us."

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