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Game Thread Ohio State 16, Purdue 3 (Oct. 11th)

DaddyBigBucks;1288975; said:
I really hate to say this, because I have been one of the most deluded, optimistic homers this year; but the fact that there is a discussion about the title game is beyond me at this point. The reason I think so starts with 'grad's observation:

I was publicly on record, before the Wiscy game, that a win there would turn the team around and get them on the road to playing up to their potential. It would have been a long road, but we had enough time to get to where we needed to be to have a shot at going undefeated. But now we have taken a step backwards.

Can someone give me a logical, rational reason to believe that this team can climb back up to its potential before we play Penn State? For that matter, is there really a reason to believe that the whole team will play up to their potential this year? If they haven't turned it around by now, will they? In other words, as much as I hate to say it this way: Is there a logical, rational reason to believe that this team will go undefeated the rest of the way?

Winning the Big 10 is going to be a tough, tough road. Aiming for more than that at this point is beyond unrealistic IMHO.

To be honest, the play today will not get past MSU, and will get crushed by PSU. I think that the announcers were on to Pryor thinking too much, just go out and play and have fun.
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gregorylee;1288981; said:
I think that the announcers were on to Pryor thinking too much, just go out and play and have fun.

That doesnt seem to be stressed in our program. We seem to stress to our kids that they need to avoid mistakes at all costs, perform their assignment, and get graded on Monday morning..

Half the time I think our players are too afraid to gamble or try to make a play cause they are concerned about their Monday morning grade.
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First off, I am glad to get the win. It was ugly but you'll have that. What you can't have:
- Terrelle Pryor thinking too much. The announcers were dead on today, he just needs to be more decisive. The plays are right there in front of him...if the run lane is open, run it. He just needs to trust his decisions.
- The coaches not letting Pryor lose...it seems that they think all he can do is throw it deep, throw a quick slant, or run the option. In fact, I don't think Pryor has done very well running the read option so far. He missed a give to Beanie that probably would have been a TD. When he runs the speed option, he hardly ever makes a defender commit one way or the other. Back to this point...maybe we are running more complex plays than what meets the eye, and Pryor just isn't seeing the open guys, if they exist.
- Boredom. That game was flat out boring on offense. I remember thinking "I wait in anticipation all weak for the game and this happens?" I know they are trying but this team isn't very fun to watch sometimes. The defense was the only entertaining part of the game for me.
- Inconsistency. We are terribly inconsistent. In JT's book, he points to consistency as the mark of champions. We are winning and all, but we are just so inconsistent. I know it's not going to be easy with all the young guys but we need to get more consistency.
- Attrocious OL play. That sack Rehring gave up made me sick. This OL has underperformed terribly this year and there really is no excuse. I'm shocked Adams didn't get any PT and I think J.B. would be playing a lot if he wasn't injured. If we don't get better here, Penn St. is going to wipe the field with us in the trenches.
What you can have:
- No turnovers and very few penalties...in fact, I can't even remember a penalty against us. We played pretty much mistake free (minus mental mistakes by Pryor).
- Great defense. As grad said, we really had a great gameplan and executed it well. The guys played nasty and were flying to the ball. I am so impressed with the play our of secondary, especially the CB's. Chekwa is going to be a special player. Hines is going to be special as well. I even though the DT's played better today, but then again, the Purdue OL was decimated with injuries.
- Good special teams. I know we missed the FG, but we hit some nice ones, blocked the punt for a TD, and Trapasso pinned them deep when it counted.
- Crowd noise. Considering how boring the game was at times, I felt the crowd made some noise.
- A win. We won, it was ugly, but we need to get more consistent to beat Michigan St.
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RB07OSU;1289016; said:
First off, I am glad to get the win. It was ugly but you'll have that. What you can't have:
- Terrelle Pryor thinking too much. The announcers were dead on today, he just needs to be more decisive. The plays are right there in front of him...if the run lane is open, run it. He just needs to trust his decisions.
- The coaches not letting Pryor lose...it seems that they think all he can do is throw it deep, throw a quick slant, or run the option. In fact, I don't think Pryor has done very well running the read option so far. He missed a give to Beanie that probably would have been a TD. When he runs the speed option, he hardly ever makes a defender commit one way or the other. Back to this point...maybe we are running more complex plays than what meets the eye, and Pryor just isn't seeing the open guys, if they exist.
- Boredom. That game was flat out boring on offense. I remember thinking "I wait in anticipation all weak for the game and this happens?" I know they are trying but this team isn't very fun to watch sometimes. The defense was the only entertaining part of the game for me.
- Inconsistency. We are terribly inconsistent. In JT's book, he points to consistency as the mark of champions. We are winning and all, but we are just so inconsistent. I know it's not going to be easy with all the young guys but we need to get more consistency.
- Attrocious OL play. That sack Rehring gave up made me sick. This OL has underperformed terribly this year and there really is no excuse. I'm shocked Adams didn't get any PT and I think J.B. would be playing a lot if he wasn't injured. If we don't get better here, Penn St. is going to wipe the field with us in the trenches.
What you can have:
- No turnovers and very few penalties...in fact, I can't even remember a penalty against us. We played pretty much mistake free (minus mental mistakes by Pryor).
- Great defense. As grad said, we really had a great gameplan and executed it well. The guys played nasty and were flying to the ball. I am so impressed with the play our of secondary, especially the CB's. Chekwa is going to be a special player. Hines is going to be special as well. I even though the DT's played better today, but then again, the Purdue OL was decimated with injuries.
- Good special teams. I know we missed the FG, but we hit some nice ones, blocked the punt for a TD, and Trapasso pinned them deep when it counted.
- Crowd noise. Considering how boring the game was at times, I felt the crowd made some noise.
- A win. We won, it was ugly, but we need to get more consistent to beat Michigan St.

Except for the turnovers ND is fun to watch on offense. But, ND lost today, smile and enjoy OSU's win.
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Before everyone starts to panic about how bad we are because we didn't blow out Purdue.....

buckeyebri;1288789; said:
So, we win by 13 points and PSU wins by 14 against Purdue.....

We do have issues, no doubt, but Purdue is a very good defensive team, it's they're offense that is bad. If they had a decent offense, they would be a contender in the conference. I was hoping that our offense would really gel today, that didn't happen. A big reason that it didn't happen is because Purdue is solid on D. State Penn has one of the best offenses in the country, and Purdue held them to 20.

I could see us playing a game very much like this one and coming away with a W against MSU. I do think we have to improve on this performance by quite a bit to beat State Penn.

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RB07OSU;1289016; said:
- Crowd noise. Considering how boring the game was at times, I felt the crowd made some noise.

Just curious, were you at the game?

Crowd was the worst of the year, I even said that it was the worst crowd I've ever seen at any sporting event.

The opening of the second half was okay, and we made noise on a couple third downs, but the crowd was pretty much sitting down from the get-go. Half the people in my section never stood up.
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As a fan I was very disappointed in the teams performance. It is a win and I am very thankful. I feel as a team the Buckeyes are still trying to find an identity (as everyone has said) The team has lost its "swagger". I think TP has done a great job with what little experience he has had. Listening to what the coaching staff has always said about "putting the kids in a situation to succeed" I feel today wasnt quite what they have been talking about. All the parts are there but putting them together has been a puzzle for the coaches in my eyes. I hope we can figure it out for the seniors deserve it.

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This was nothing more than the predictable bad game pryor was going to have. This is a bit of an abstract concept but indulge me, Pryor will play up to the level of the competition. His best qualities manifest themselves in actual competition. The result of this game was never in doubt. I felt like falling asleep 1 quarter in.

It's understandable that many of us are looking ahead to Penn State but consider that we played Purdue better than they did. Enjoy the win and don't worry about Pryor or the offense because nothing needs fixing, this game can be chalked up to circumstances. 3-0 in the big ten!
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ScarletStorms;1289058; said:
This was nothing more than the predictable bad game pryor was going to have. This is a bit of an abstract concept but indulge me, Pryor will play up to the level of the competition. His best qualities manifest themselves in actual competition. The result of this game was never in doubt. I felt like falling asleep 1 quarter in.

It's understandable that many of us are looking ahead to Penn State but consider that we played Purdue better than they did. Enjoy the win and don't worry about Pryor or the offense because nothing needs fixing, this game can be chalked up to circumstances. 3-0 in the big ten!

They also don't play down to opponents every week. They've looked impressive in most of their wins, while we've looked quite the opposite in most of ours.

I do agree that the result of this game was never in doubt. Our defense was fantastic. I could tell after the first two drives that the game was over. It was only in doubt when Purdue came out in the second half and missed that field goal. That was their one solid drive.
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This was nothing more than the predictable bad game pryor was going to have. This is a bit of an abstract concept but indulge me, Pryor will play up to the level of the competition. His best qualities manifest themselves in actual competition. The result of this game was never in doubt. I felt like falling asleep 1 quarter in.

It's understandable that many of us are looking ahead to Penn State but consider that we played Purdue better than they did. Enjoy the win and don't worry about Pryor or the offense because nothing needs fixing, this game can be chalked up to circumstances. 3-0 in the big ten!
hes only thrown over 100 yards twice.

4-6 35
0-2 0
7-9 52
10-16 139
8-13 70
13-19 144
10-14 96

that projects to 880 yards for the season.
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