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Game Thread Ohio State 16, Purdue 3 (Oct. 11th)

elliemae;1288803; said:
Okay I saw only the last 6 minutes of the game & then according to posts T.P. did not have that great of a day! Wassa goin' on? Enlighten me please,I do not feel like waiting for highlights!

He was very indecisive, holding the ball too long, taking sacks or running for minimal gains instead of just turning up field and taking what they give you.

The good news? No turnovers. He didn't try to force anything, at times to a fault perhaps, but he didn't put our defense in bad field position. They rewarded him by keeping the Boilers out of the end zone. :)
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I agree with Steve and Grad, we got out quicked on the O line and missed a lot of blocks and that really needs to be addressed. But this was against Purdue not USC.
I did see better play out of the Dline for the most part and that was an improvement.
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NJ-Buckeye;1288811; said:
ugh.. found myself wishing Boeckman would go in... so Robiskie could see what it was like to play football again...

Robo has had his chances this year and last and has not necessarily came up with the play....he has nothing to complain about and neither does Hartline....make the most of your opportunities when they come your way....
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Jake;1288812; said:
He was very indecisive, holding the ball too long, taking sacks or running for minimal gains instead of just turning up field and taking what they give you.

The good news? No turnovers. He didn't try to force anything, at times to a fault perhaps, but he didn't put our defense in bad field position. They rewarded him by keeping the Boilers out of the end zone. :)

Well the good news is good! I know he will improve more,holding that ball scares me though. We really need to be quicker here in the not too distant future! Penn State is starting to concern me.
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Jake;1288801; said:
I'm saying this nicely...who gives a [censored]? Seriously, why would it matter?

Honestly, when seeing how much can happen in a season, I'm hoping we can squeeze our way back into the title game.

I understand many here do not care about that, fair enough.

Even if you've given up ontitle hopes, this team should be more productive than they have been. This was the definition of an ugly win, but yes, I'll absolutely take it.

Penn State is going to be a very interesting game. You'd hope our defense will be improved due to facing Terrelle in practice every week.
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Best Buckeye;1288814; said:
I agree with Steve and Grad, we got out quicked on the O line and missed a lot of blocks and that really needs to be addressed. But this was against Purdue not USC.
I did see better play out of the Dline for the most part and that was an improvement.

Did you stay awake for the whole game? Good boy! You must have taken your vitamins & prune juice!
Sorry I had to!!! You know I am funnin' with you,you are my favorite person on here.
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elliemae;1288823; said:
Did you stay awake for the whole game? Good boy! You must have taken your vitamins & prune juice!
Sorry I had to!!! You know I am funnin' with you,you are my favorite person on here.
No but I did have salami and beer , The humor is ok because its so feeble I have to chuckle at it. And you are my favorite woman on here from .. um whereever it is that you are from . :biggrin:

Is Venetia where they have the funny looking row boats? :biggrin:
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billmac91;1288820; said:
Honestly, when seeing how much can happen in a season, I'm hoping we can squeeze our way back into the title game.

I understand many here do not care about that, fair enough.

Even if you've given up ontitle hopes, this team should be more productive than they have been. This was the definition of an ugly win, but yes, I'll absolutely take it.

Penn State is going to be a very interesting game. You'd hope our defense will be improved due to facing Terrelle in practice every week.

I dont think its so much about giving up on title hopes - its just that with one loss we just need to win. If we were undefeated, we would be in a position where style points mattered, at this point we just need to win.
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Crowd was awful today. Seriously, the worst crowd I've seen at any sporting event, ever.

Defense looked great. Nothing else really needs to be said about it. We were doing a better job of disguising and mixing things up.

Offense? Nothing to say because there wasn't any.

Special teams was both great and bad. Missed FG, bad punt, but a blocked punt and great return from Flash.

Really boring football game today. But we won and that's what matters.
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Best Buckeye;1288828; said:
No but I did have salami and beer , The humor is ok because its so feeble I have to chuckle at it. And you are my favorite woman on here from .. um whereever it is that you are from . :biggrin:

Is Venetia where they have the funny looking row boats? :biggrin:
Oh right! Hmmm.... if I was in Venice things would be grand!
I am so glad I am your favorite woman on here,now I have a smile from ear to ear!

Salami & beer that is a combo for sheet smelling farts!:biggrin:
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[quote='BusNative;128883;4]I dont think its so much about giving up on title hopes - its just that with one loss we just need to win. If we were undefeated, we would be in a position where style points mattered, at this point we just need to win.[/quote]

I think it just the opposite..this team was in a position to be top 10 after Minny and Wisconsin, but left itself at 12. After today, they will remian in the same region. Probably a discussion for a different thread,but as much as people don;t want to admit it, style points mean a TON, and we haven;t given pollsters a reason to get behind us.

And yes, I understand many here, don't think pollsters will get behind us no matter what......
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