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Game Thread Ohio State 16, Purdue 3 (Oct. 11th)

1926Buckeyes;1288792; said:
Pryor just isn't playing. He's fighting the defense and fighting himself. Until he just lets go and plays OSU is going to have a few games like this and no matter how many fans try to whine about Tressel's play calling.

He continues to needlessly lose yardage and is way too indecisive when he goes back to throw. He just has to go through this and will come through better hopefully. I was hoping and thinking that he would have broken out already, but I think my expectations were a bit high. All great QBs go through this.

VY went through this same problem, only he turned it over much more. Pryor will get through this.

Yep. I'm sure I'll see "play calling" threads all over some boards, as if Tressel called for TP to run around and lose 2 yards.

Patience, Buckeye faithful. The kid will learn. Meanwhile, we just won another game. :cheers:
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Jake;1288781; said:
Come on, defense! Don't let them in the end zone!
Looks like we get your wish.

Pryor may get some less than stellar press tomorrow - but folks, think of this.

He is a Freshman.

He has won every game at Ohio State he has started.

This was another learning experience - how to win ugly.

Last week was a learning experience - how to win, heroically.

Bottom line - he is simply learning folks.

This may end up being the worst game he plays, ever, in an Ohio State uniform.

Think about the wonderful implications of that statement - think about it. The best is yet to come.
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osugrad21;1288794; said:
Postgame thoughts that are very similar to Halftime thoughts...


Great effort today. Loved the scheme and execution. DL needs to get better but that is old news.


Terrelle Pryor can develop into a pocket passer. I have zero doubt. However, why try to do all of that right now. He has time. Please roll, run, flick it to the TE, pick up chunks of yards, and run the QB draws from spread.

Playaction works great on 1st and 2nd down. Playaction does not mean to throw the deep ball every time.

OL. In public postings, I've been positive. I've been supportive. However, today I saw things that I cannot and will not defend. I saw numerous Buckeye OL with awful efforts. Watching plays, not finishing blocks, not going WAO at all times. NFL draft position? How about NFL Draft period?

The lack of TDs is disturbing. Pryor will be great, but right now he is a combination of moments of incredible and even more moments of below average. Right now, he is a kid who is used to doing it right every time even if it was wrong...he always was that athlete that could make a broken play into a highlight reel play. That can still happen and will...but there are times when you accept positive yards as opposed to gambling with negative yards. Example: Red Zone.

Great post...I agree with everything most especially your comments about the OLine. Those guys have got to get it together from here on out.
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osugrad21;1288794; said:
OL. In public postings, I've been positive. I've been supportive. However, today I saw things that I cannot and will not defend. I saw numerous Buckeye OL with awful efforts. Watching plays, not finishing blocks, not going WAO at all times. NFL draft position? How about NFL Draft period?

Do they practice full speed in pads throughout the week?
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