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Game Thread Ohio State 16, Purdue 3 (Oct. 11th)

BuckeyeMike80;1288760; said:
I can....the Wings are a rhythm team and you won't have a great rhythm in the first game especially with an hour's worth of ceremonies at the beginning of the game.....

Hey Homer is on pace for 164 goals so I'm not going to argue :biggrin:

Never want to lose to one of the original 6....especially Toronto....
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billmac91;1288768; said:
I'll disagree.

I'll disagree with your disagreement. :wink2:

I'll say it again for the record: there's no way in hell we're getting into the NC game this year, after the last two and the USC game. As such, the polls don't matter.

Just win, baby.
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[quote='BusNative;128877;4]Get your head up, TP... This will be a great film week for the youngster. I think he should be able to see alot of very correctible mistakes - mostly just needs to speed up his decision making[/quote]

He got the "W" and had no turnovers to hurt the team.
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