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2026 OH OL Adam Guthrie




6'7" | 280 LBS | OT | 2026

The big and athletic offensive lineman was one of the hottest prospects in the region this winter. Since January he’s picked up more than 10 offers from around the country. That includes Auburn, Texas A&M, Penn State and Tennessee.
It feels like a matter of time before the home state Ohio State Buckeyes get him on campus and come through with an offer.
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Hasn't the Court House HS got a rogues gallery of Ohio State players in it somewhere? Believe there's more than several over the decades. Maybe Kirk H remembers his roots and puts in a word for the good guys?
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Guess I shoulda just said route 23 and left it at that. Pnuts is right, and I'm about 15-20 miles off? Been gone for awhile (from Ohio) and get them mixed up. Thanks for jogging the very old brain cells......
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Ohio O-tackle with 32 scholarship offers looking forward to returning to Ohio State

An Ohio offensive tackle with 32 scholarship offers is looking forward to returning to Ohio State.​

Looking ahead to the Ohio class of 2026, it is a very good year for offensive line talent in the Buckeye State. In fact, the Buckeyes have already offered a scholarship to three in-state 2026 offensive linemen, Maxwell Riley, Sam Greer and Will Conroy.

Also certainly not to be forgotten is Adam Guthrie from Washington Court House (Ohio) Miami Trace. The 6-foot-7, 285-pound Guthrie already has 32 scholarship offers, including Oregon, Penn State, Florida, Texas A&M, Tennessee, Missouri, North Carolina State, West Virginia, Kentucky, Purdue, Indiana, Cincinnati, Nebraska and Boston College.

Guthrie worked out at the Buckeyes' June 6 camp and left knowing the Ohio State staff will be taking a good look at him this season.

"I think it went good," Guthrie said when asked about the camp and working with Ohio State offensive line coach Justin Frye. "I got a lot of 1-on-1 reps and I talked to coach Frye. Then, that night, he talked to my head coach. He said they're going to watch me when the season starts."
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