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Claretwasframed;1197540; said:
Thanks, I'm ashamed I couldn't recognize Trap and the two kickers. I looked up Thoma and it doesn't appear he has a scholarship.

105 helmet wearing players with 20% annual turnover makes facial recognition a futile task.
I believe Thoma was contingent on getting a scholarship when he won the starting job, which looks like it will be his senior year after Trapasso leaves in 2009.
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msj2487;1197819; said:
I believe Thoma was contingent on getting a scholarship when he won the starting job, which looks like it will be his senior year after Trapasso leaves in 2009.

Actually Louisville, Ohio native and preferred walk on Jon Thoma was placed on schoarship last fall after he won the starting job as holder for Ryan Pretorius.

From the official OSU site, Spet, 24, 2007

Four former Ohio State walk-ons have been put on scholarship aid for the fall quarter. Offensive lineman Dan Dye is a finance major; wide receiver [URL="https://admin.xosn.com/ViewArticle.dbml?SPSID=87743&SPID=10408&DB_OEM_ID=17300&ATCLID=1151230"]David Lisko[/URL] is studying political science; long snapper [URL="https://admin.xosn.com/ViewArticle.dbml?SPSID=87743&SPID=10408&DB_OEM_ID=17300&ATCLID=1059424"]Dimitrios Makridis[/URL] will complete his degree in operations management and logistics; and punter/holder Jon Thoma is working toward a communications degree.
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