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Official Countdown Thread

msj2487;1196189; said:
If you ever have trouble thinking of a person to use for the #'s, feel free to refer back to my thread a couple of years ago when I held a vote for the greatest Buckeyes to ever wear a particular jersey #, which I sadly have yet to ever update again, because we all know that after that 2006 season, #10 definitely changed, and probably soon enough so will #28!

Heres the thread.

mercer_buckeye;1196710; said:
If you ever have trouble trying to figure out who on BP would eat themselves if they were hotdogs you can check my thread from last week.

Here's the thread.


This is the joke get it now? I started a completely useless thread a couple weeks before. i was poking fun at msj for plugging his thread by plugging mine.
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krazeyk;1197366; said:
sarcasm detector broken?...:roll1:
Apparently yes, my apologies, this shits been acting up like crazy lately, I'm supposed to have the tech guy in next week to have a look at it, hopefully he'll get it up and running again for me!
mercer_buckeye;1197372; said:
This is the joke get it now? I started a completely useless thread a couple weeks before. i was poking fun at msj for plugging his thread by plugging mine.
Gotcha, I didn't know your thread was actually real, and all I was doing was giving people a list to look at in case they wondered who had worn that jersey # in the past to make this countdown a little easier, not trying to toot my own horn.
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mercer_buckeye;1197372; said:
This is the joke get it now? I started a completely useless thread a couple weeks before. i was poking fun at msj for plugging his thread by plugging mine.

I understand what you were intending, I just think the joke doesn't quite work because the link was a fake. I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to give you an incomplete. You have one week to resubmit.
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Pardon me for interrupting...

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Quick Question

DaddyBigBucks;1195408; said:
Hopefully someone can find something better for today:

Is this a walk-on class picture? I don't recognize any of the players. I didn't realize we've had an asian dude on the team either. OSU truly is diversity University.
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Claretwasframed;1197464; said:
Is this a walk-on class picture? I don't recognize any of the players. I didn't realize we've had an asian dude on the team either. OSU truly is diversity University.

Special teams. #20 Pettrey, #48 Thoma, #85 Pretorius, #56 Makridis, #96 McQuaide, #15 Trapasso, #61 Hass.
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Claretwasframed;1197464; said:
Is this a walk-on class picture? I don't recognize any of the players. I didn't realize we've had an asian dude on the team either. OSU truly is diversity University.

#48 Thoma ... Backup punter / field goal/pat holder
#85 Pretorius ... Starting Kicker 1A
#20 Pettry ...Starting Kicker 1B
#15 Trapasso ... Starting punter

All hold schalarships, I believe (maybe not Thoma...yet)

EDIT: :bonk:

O.K., I swear your two posts didn't pop up (answering the exact same question...20 minutes earlier than me) when I posted...I mean I'm a slow typer...but not that ssssllllloooooooooww. :biggrin:

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Thanks, I'm ashamed I couldn't recognize Trap and the two kickers. I looked up Thoma and it doesn't appear he has a scholarship.

105 helmet wearing players with 20% annual turnover makes facial recognition a futile task.
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