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Official Countdown Thread

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The 60s are just a difficult # to get through (or I'm just too lazy & impatient :biggrin: )

So I'll try a bit of a different approach today: (even though it's not exactly "left to right reading", it's still a good pic :wink2:)

8 weeks & 4 days to go! :osu3:



  • 9943[1].jpg
    66.1 KB · Views: 244
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If you ever have trouble thinking of a person to use for the #'s, feel free to refer back to my thread a couple of years ago when I held a vote for the greatest Buckeyes to ever wear a particular jersey #, which I sadly have yet to ever update again, because we all know that after that 2006 season, #10 definitely changed, and probably soon enough so will #28!

Heres the thread.

EDIT: Looks like this thread will only have one more day of rough searches, as by Thursday we should be in smooth sailing!!
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