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CB Antoine Winfield 2 time All American, team Captain, team MVP and Thorpe Award winner




Although I don't condone Buckeye on Buckeye violence here is a clip of him absolutely detonating Terry Glenn
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jgEqS1MuLY0"]YouTube - Antoine Winfield Hit[/ame]

A clip of him covering a kick on special teams that pretty much embodies Winfield as a football player
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBcZuOSqV10"]YouTube - Antoine Winfield BEAST[/ame]
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+1000, Jax! You've taken over this thread with extreme prejudice, and this might be your best so far. Winfield was a player who took over the game and didn't even look like he had to strain to do it. One of the all time greats, IMO.
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BuckeyeNation27;1232211; said:
I think it was 9

or 2. that'll teach me to open a tab and then go do work for a few minutes.
I think he wore 9 in his redshirt year 2002.

Edit: Just checked 2002 photo gallery and he was in fact #9 that year so you weren't completely crazy in thinking he wore #9 in '03.:)
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QB Rex Kern 1968 National Champion-1969 All American-1970 Captain. 3 year career record of 29-2 is the best 3 year win % (.931) in OSU history.




Art Schilchter 1979 All American-1981 team MVP-Off field issues aside, he was responsible for more TD's, passing yards and total offense than any OSU player before or since.




P.S. Fay is on her way, I will post the next few days as she will allow.
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OState29;1233904; said:
Awwwww Jaxbuck you cheated. You just couldn't wait a minute (literally) to unload your bounty of classic OSU Quartebacks could ya? Hey I guess 10 has been a pretty good number for Buckeye QBs.

yeah, well my PC clock said 12. :!
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WR David Boston 1998 All American- OSU's all time leader in receptions and TD receptions


Of course any mention of Boston is a good excuse to re visit this
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inT3Kbmut10"]YouTube - 1997 Rose Bowl - game winning drive[/ame]

I'll put this one in just for fun. Its been all over the place lately but Tito Paul wore #9
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Thl1UshLfY0"]YouTube - Tito Paul hits Mason[/ame]
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