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Official Countdown Thread

Yertle;1229814; said:
Probably my favorite Buckeye pic ever. Very nice.

I'm kind of partial to this one of CK

Upvote 0
generaladm;1229786; said:
I'm all for Jaxbuck's pre-2000 crusade, but this guy transcends time. One of the best QBs in Ohio State history? Ehhh... One of the greatest winners in Ohio State history? Hells yeah. Everybody loves Craig Krenzel.


i just got chills...
Upvote 0
Interesting. I forgot that Zwick and Jenkins were both 12. Actually, I knew that, but I never thought about what Zwick's number was in 2003... Anyone remember? Wasn't that Jenkins' senior year?

Also, I want to applaud Jax. Good work so far with the oddies. A decent amount of them (not all though...) are before my time. It's good to see some of those pics. :banger:
Upvote 0
Yertle;1232204; said:
Interesting. I forgot that Zwick and Jenkins were both 12. Actually, I knew that, but I never thought about what Zwick's number was in 2003... Anyone remember? Wasn't that Jenkins' senior year?

Also, I want to applaud Jax. Good work so far with the oddies. A decent amount of them (not all though...) are before my time. It's good to see some of those pics. :banger:

Zwick wore #2 in 2003.
Upvote 0
Yertle;1232204; said:
Interesting. I forgot that Zwick and Jenkins were both 12. Actually, I knew that, but I never thought about what Zwick's number was in 2003... Anyone remember? Wasn't that Jenkins' senior year?

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