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Official Countdown Thread

Matt Keller -Captain 1999
Ron Springs-Captain 1978
Arnie Chonko-All American 1964

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Back to the Houston pic, did we strip the buckeye leaves off the helmets for the Alamo bowl? It obviously looks like that, but I can't imagine why the team would do that.
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Yertle;1226290; said:
Back to the Houston pic, did we strip the buckeye leaves off the helmets for the Alamo bowl? It obviously looks like that, but I can't imagine why the team would do that.

No, those two just didn't have many at the time and the way they have their heads turned doesn't show the ones they do have.
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Gotta go with video for #21.

This ones been floating around for a while.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUk7KbaiTPw]YouTube - Zack Dumas Hit Stacy Danley[/ame]

This one was harder to find. Its the 1993 Holiday Bowl and #21 Tim Patillo blocks a punt, returning it for a TD. Of course we had to hold on for dear life against BYfreakinU but it got Coop his first Bowl win in 4 tries (he even took a break from filming commercials long enough to guarantee a win).

Jumpcut - 1993http://jumpcut.com/view?id=94EABB064C4911DCAF18000423CF3686
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I know it is an hour early; however, here was one of my favorite players:


Cornelius Connie Colzie, better known as:
Neal Colzie
Defensive Back
Colzie finished his career with 15 interceptions, but that was only part of his skill. He was also Ohio State?s greatest punt returner, and his spectacular 56-yard dash against USC in the 1974 Rose Bowl turned the game. The flashy, 6-2, 202-pound Colzie became an All-American in 1974.

28 Feb 54 - 19 Aug 01
May he rest in peace.
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Yertle;1226290; said:
Back to the Houston pic, did we strip the buckeye leaves off the helmets for the Alamo bowl? It obviously looks like that, but I can't imagine why the team would do that.
Why would Huston have any Buckeye leaves on his helmet, he was the backup kicker.
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