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Official Countdown Thread

Jerry Westbrooks

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Jaxbuck;1220756; said:
All I've got pre 2000 for 28 is Jonathan Wells and its not a great pic. I figure this is one enough people will chime in on with a more recent 28 to pick up the slack. :wink2:


Are you trying to post only pre-2000 pics? If so, I doubt this is pre 2000... Wells was the starting TB in 2000 and 2001.
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Robert Smith

Gust Zarnas, first team All American at guard in 1937


Two notes about 1937:

-First year players were required to wear numbers on their uniforms
-Last year of a 4 year run in which OSU not only won The Game 4 straight times, they shut tsun out all 4 years.

1934: 34-0
1935: 38-0
1936: 21-0
1937: 21-0

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Perhaps the greatest play of the 2002 season. Will Allen gets my vote for the best nickel back in OSU history. There's not a whole lot of competition for that position, but he made several huge plays that year. A big time player, he made game changing plays in multiple games.
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