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All I've got pre 2000 for 28 is Jonathan Wells and its not a great pic. I figure this is one enough people will chime in on with a more recent 28 to pick up the slack. :wink2:

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generaladm;1220797; said:
Uh, no. The game winner in 02 was an option pitch to the right. Hall didn't have a defender within 5 yards until he crossed the goal line.

shetuck;1220800; said:

Here's the vid of the entire scoring drive. The play starts at around 8:10. I love how they stack up the left side of the line and move the FB left. The only defender who had a chance at a play was the DE, and he was convinced Krenzel was going to keep it, which is reasonable because we hadn't run that play all year.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXHSg5qG29w]YouTube - Michigan 2002 - second (eventual game-winning) TD[/ame]
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