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Official BP tackle football team

5'10" 270lbs. I can play DT or FB. Was a smallish DT in HS, but bulked up since through the wonders of beer and pizza. 40 time is probably in the 7-8 second range, not counting a brief break halfway through...
Playing style- High Motor, likes contact, absolutely no speed or quickness...
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OilerBuck said:
We may need some additional corners, if y'all are anything like me playing that game. I run either Nickel or 3-3-5 80% of the time.

I used to run Nickel exclusively, but they kept getting the edge on me on runs, so I switched to a 4-3 and I control the MLB and just read the defense. I attack if it's a run or just drop back if it's a pass.
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I run the Nickel, blitz a LB and the Nickel Back and play the DB's and other LB in cover-2 zone. I control the safety on the opposite side as the blitzing corner. This works well because, in pass, the back can only pick up one of the blitzers and the QB has to make a quick decision. If the receiver on my side of the field is going deep, he will often try to hit him between my and the corners zone. I am ready for it and pick off the pass. I usually have 3-4 user picks a game as a result of this. On playaction, he's screwed because usually the nickel back's responsibility is the QB. It's almost always a sure sack. Having that back blitzing immediately blows up the option to that side of the field forcing the pitch with a corner and safety to contain and a linebacker to prevent the cut back. I take control of the run on the other side, but have been vulnerable to outside runs my way.

Usually I give up 0-7 points a game, maybe 80 yards total offense. It's almost always as a result of a big play (I mess up getting position behind the WR, jump and miss, and the reciever comes down with it). But have found this defense especially effective against all-american level.
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