I'm disappointed to see that Stein has created such an unremarkable "documentary". I used to have respect for him and thought he was a smart guy, but he seems to lack even a general understanding of how science works and what evolution explains (as others have stated, abiogenesis is not part of evolution). And he even stooped so low as to invoke Godwin's Law in his film! It's as if he took his script from an evolution/creationism discussion forum.
Intelligent Design is not scientific because it doesn't explain anything. Saying "God did it" isn't remotely useful, it doesn't explain the diversity of life in a way that can be tested and that's why these people were fired and not given research funds. If they want to be taken seriously then they need to propose a Theory of Creationism that is better supported and more useful than evolution.
Intelligent Design is not scientific because it doesn't explain anything. Saying "God did it" isn't remotely useful, it doesn't explain the diversity of life in a way that can be tested and that's why these people were fired and not given research funds. If they want to be taken seriously then they need to propose a Theory of Creationism that is better supported and more useful than evolution.