muffler dragon;1144107; said:
I've only seen a commercial and this was a major point in it. Abiogenesis is a very important topic; however, I've found that most evolutionists don't attempt to answer that question because evolution doesn't deal with it. It definitely is a topic that interests me.
I'd be interested in seeing the movie for the historical considerations.
Well, I agree that abiogenesis is an important topic. But the problem arises with the poor logic that says that "If you can't demonstrate with reproducible experiments how life began, then you must accept the only other option - that the Judeo-Christian God started life in the garden of Eden as per Genesis!"
I mean, you might was well go with Norse or Hindu mythology. To me, the fact of evolution being real and demonstrable - which it is - is just part of the explanation of the history of the earth. It pretty much shreds the 6000 year old earth advocates, and the view that the earth is new and a product of God recently. It (evolution) does nothing to dispel the existence of God, or of God being the ultimate author of all life on earth. It tells me what happened to some of the flora and fauna for millions of years. Doesn't tell me how life started. OK. Maybe we'll be told how that worked later. No problem. The problem is a belief in a jot for jot Bible that cannot have one little spot be non-literal. When a part is proven not literal, the option for those poor souls is to 1) lose faith completely, or 2) invent fantastically non-rational reasons to support the part that is demonstrably non-literal.
You can point out to people who are LDS the serious fallacy in much of their doctrine, but you either won't get any traction at all, and a serious head in sand ignoring or even switching of old doctrine with newly written doctrine claimed to be original. You can pull out the old book and show the re-writes, but you won't get any response at all, save being attacked as an evil person trying to ruin faith, or you will get a soon to be former Mormon who says "my gosh, I never knew that." No way in between.
Same thing here. To some, the failure of evolution to explain everything will lead them to discard the proof for the parts of the earth's history that evolution does show, and lead them back to the Garden of Eden and a 6k old earth. To others, they will go "ah-hah - so the earth is millions of years old and we can trace things like horses and birds via fossil and DNA over many years and see how they changed....let's keep looking to see if we can find out how life started"
It is so simplistic, but the ultimate questions is still, "If there was a big bang, what caused it, and who made the material that stared the universe in the first place. I guess, the old "if there is a God, who made God?"
I'm going with Tim Tebow as a working theory.