Loathing All Things Georgia
Buckeyeskickbuttocks;999793; said:Muffler, sorry it's taken this long to get back to you. Had to honor the scum week poli-board shut down...
OK, your original question was: Question: to what end is it a political tool? Has this "end" changed throughout time in your opinion?
I think Leviticus might serve as a good start. I think it's pretty obvious that this particular book is an organization of rules/laws. Maybe not "Political" in one sense of the word, but at the same time, there is a component of making people behave in a certain way owing to fear of God. I would be content to call Leviticus essentially the same thing as the Code of Federal Regulations, or the United States Code in American Government. That is, a set of rules. So, in terms of "political" as a term of governance, I would think Leviticus fits.
Likewise, I've been reading about the prophecies of Jeremiah, and I can see how this may not be prophecy at all so much as it is an accounting of a specific time period in Jewish history. Much the same way as modern Americans keep some sort of eye on history for some purpose, I think that guys like Jeremiah were charged with the responsibility of preserving history for some purpose. I'm not being clear.... If we imagine the Jews, or at least some Jews, as an entity trying to obtain organization and power as a "state" we might see the Bible as an organized text handed down from generation to generation (ruler to ruler?) as a guideline... or a source of wisdom.. or... how to say this... as a preservation of past wisdom for future success. (Kinda like our own Constitution). The Bible, in it's recording of real life events, is like any other manuscript of historical import... Ancient Chinese scrolls... Egyptian carvings... clay tablets from Babylon. Same thing. The Jews ascribed each of their success and failures to their God (well, the failures as a judgment from their God from their own failings, I suppose) Doing so, and "establishing" God's role in governance, controls future behavior of Kings to be wise, to do "Good".. because God is watching. Skipping around a little bit, I hope that makes sense.
How has it changed? Not sure it has. I mean, I can see where the Jews still treat the world as if their God is in complete control of their successes and failures (as a nation). This would be true of Islam as well, I would add.... oddly, not so true of Christianity. At least not in my view. Ultimately, religion is politics, I think. To be clear, I do not mean to say that God is reduced to a political tool and is therefore otherwise imaginary. To the contrary, God is real (at least I think so), but He doesn't get involved the way Religion says he does. I mean... it makes no sense to me that God would be SO active in history for so long and then... all of a sudden... he just closes up shop for 2000 years. RELIGION is, to me, man organizing with other men of same belief for the purpose of power. What the power is is not really important. I don't mean to imply sinister purpose.... just trying to call it what it is... GOD, however, is something quite different.
Frankly, I can't see how God gives a shit about any of the day to day goings on in the life of Man.... Or.. why he'd manipulate it in any way. I'm troubled by an all powerful God who can't seem to put together a universe where he has to do magic to make sure things go OK.. Strikes me as outlandish. I mean, if you read some of the stories of the Bible (speaking again about the prophecies I've been reading of late) it's like God is sitting on High thinking... "Sweet Christ, what the fuck is wrong with you people? How many times do I have to tell you... STOP WITH THE IDOLS! Jesus!" (Sorry for my glib presentation.. it's just the way I've come to talk about this stuff over the years, I don't mean any offense) because the jews keep fucking up, over and over and over again. Anyway.... this god... seems.... pretty aloof and unprepared. I believe in a much different God.
All that said, I think that the POINT of it all (the Bible) is in the right ball park... That is to say, "giving it to God" makes people think of God with some regularity, and I see that as a good thing.
Thanks for the recommendation. I'll check it out!
Yeah, every time I hear of some "unexplained" thing, I think how great is this universe? I just think there is so much more out there to learn than what is immediately around us.... we're so young. The unexplained ... it has a reason.. it is explained and natural.. we just don't quite understand... and THAT, I think, is the meaning of life.
I concur. I wanted to touch on your last sentence.... I find myself much more comfortable around atheists. I find that most of them actually believe in God, they just don't know that they do.... and they're usually much easier to talk to because they try to stick with facts and not stories used to back up their beliefs. That's not meant as a backhand towards any theists reading this.. I'm just speaking in a general way.. and that's been my expirience. I also like talking to atheists because they can test my beliefs... I have to be ready to make sense to them in defense of my God, or they'll jump me immediately and point out how foolish I am to believe such a thing in the face of fact X, Y or Z to the contrary. Thus, I've come to accept that I MUST accept the reality around me as real, and thus any God must ALSO be compatible with the same. So far, my God is. I don't think, however, other people's God is. I don't mean people on this board necessarily, I just mean some people I've met in life. If believing in your God, for example, requires the Earth to be 6,000 years old...
Hope so... I figure I'll get it eventually. In some ways I have. I just need to remember that a Paradox isn't a problem, it's just an answer. P = notP It's the same thing.
I have not heard of Yetzer. I have heard God created both good and evil. I can live with that, but, ultimately, if it's God's creation, it is the same. I think Good and Evil are mostly man's constructions of culture and ethics. In a country with a severe population problem, abortion seems a perfectly fine solution. Some here in the US would consider that Evil... what does God think? I doubt he cares. What is death to God anyway? What harm have I done if I kill you? If you believe in God and the life that comes after this life, I don't see the foul. Now, that's not an endorsement of killing. It's a comment on "punishment." I DO NOT believe killing is OK. I believe in living and let live... I do not believe in encroaching on my neighbor.. whehter his things or his life... I believe in learning... and to maximize my learning, it's best if more people are around, I guess. But, I'm troubled that we have this idea that dying is some kind of bad thing.... if we also believe in God. But, then, I also don't understand why a Christian wouldn't welcome the coming of Armageddon so they'd get to be with their Christ for 1,000 years and instead seem to fear it.
I am getting off track. I don't believe in labels. I mean, yeah, I can say something is Good or bad.. or whatever... but that's just a description of my value judgment on it and not some sort of real thing. What is Good? It depends on who you ask. And, again, if God created evil... well... I don't see how he could get all pissed off about someone doing what he created to be done.... sorta setting up a sadistic bastard God if he creates a thing he despises simple so he can punish those who will commit it. EVERYTHING JUST IS. That's what I think.
It's something my Mom tried to get me to believe... something she believed. Something I'm coming to realize is part of the key to my peace with the universe. I do believe it, I just don't believe it to the core like she did... that was part of her person... me? Well... I mean... my profession pretty much establishes I cannot remove myself from OF the world. But, I'm working on it. Mom was able to look at the most foul bum and see why God would love him. I, most the time, just see something to joke about.... at least outwardly that's how I behave. She (Mom) was a better person than I in this regard... of course.. "better" has no meaning either... but, it's a way to categorize my aspirations, I guess.
I need to be reminded of this. Community is something that I must get to with the resolution of my paradox re: mistrusting people. I'm not there yet.
Ayn Rand, is that you?